meeting peter pan

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Have you ever wondered if there was more to life than this I mean come on is this all we're ever gonna do is work all our lives stuck in the same boring routine in the same boring places I thought to myself as I was laying on my bed not able to go to sleep. You know when all sorts of thoughts come into your mind just creeping in at the dead of night and this I hated more than anything because other than these thoughts of wanting more, of wanting adventure my past creeps up on me only the bad parts and I mean yeah I have an OK family well let me reframe that a weird family but that doesn't mean that I don't have mental scars that haunt me.

I suddenly snapped myself back to reality and checked my clock that rested on my bed side table 02:05am just great and I have a test tomorrow in physics and let me tell you this I hate that class with a passion, I got up out of bed and walked over to my dresser to turn my lamp on as I sat down grabbing a book to read and after about five minutes I grabbed the book and walked to my windowsill, I rested the book down to open the windows then I sat there just reading.

I honestly don't know what's the matter with me because putting my bad past to one side I have a Good life and a loving yet as I said weird family. I'm 16 and I've never been so lost in all of my life, it started when I was a child and I kept coming down with these serious illnesses and just to get through them I'd pick up books to read of far off places and wonder of course I haven't been I'll for 2 years now so that's great but ever since then it caused me to think is this all life's gonna throw. Wheres the adventure? Wheres the mystery? Wheres the magic? The worst thing is when people know their like oh I understand but it kills me because unless you've been through the pain you don't. So yeah I've been lost all these years building up walls and keeping people out its best that way especially when my life can be as complicated as a rubix cube but at the end of the day I don't show how hard it can get because of something called 'pride' I'm full of it because to me you need to be tough as there ain't room for weakness in a rough world like this so I never show my emotion.

I'm sitting here as time is going on and soon its 3:30am "uh why can't I be free and leave this mess" I whisper to myself as I lean my head against the wall "for crying out loud there has to be more out there and I believe that there is" I added when the wind blew viciously as a mysterious figure flies towards me the closer it got the more I realised that it wasn't human it was a shadow "I could show you if you like" it said as I got up taking the situation in "come on trust me" it said deeply but calming "anything has to be better than this" I replied as I took its hand and we flew away. Oh my God I must be mad what am I doing I thought to myself then I thought you know what I'm taking a shot what have I got to lose.

After a while we came upon an island as the figure dropped on the cool sandy beach. As soon as I made contact with the ground the was just a thud and me moaning in pain as I landed awkwardly. I was trying to take everything in as I got up to see the sea crashing waves on the shore in a distance I looked at the crystal blue water then up to the night sky that was full of stars. When suddenly my attention was drawn to the forestry that was behind the beach I thought I heard a twig snap so I turned around and started walking towards where I heard the noise "hello" I called out and there was silence so I thought nothing of it and turned around to head back to the beach "who are you?" Asked a seductive English accent and I whipped around to see a boy around 17-18 years old wearing odd green and brown clothing, he had dirty blonde cute messy hair with the most bright emerald green eyes I had ever seen .....kinda handsome but who is he. I didn't reply so he lifted an eyebrow as he walked closer to me but i held my ground not moving when we were inches away from one another "OK your new here so I'll ask again who are you and how did you get on my island?" He asked "your island?" I question as he laughed "yeah my island but you still haven't answered my question love and I don't have much patience" he answered grinning darkly "and who do you think you are?" I asked a little annoyed as he laughed again "oh did I forget to introduce myself I'm Peter ..Peter pan" he replied I didn't know what to make of it the only Peter pan I knew was the one in the films and the books and he seems a little to much of an arougant git "so this is Neverland then?" I asked looking around "yes it is so know you know my name what is yours" he asked coming closer smirking at me and I wasn't sure of his so I just replied "why should I answer you?" And it seemed I angered him considering the next minute I was backed up to a tree with a dagger to my throat "I tried to be nice but I have limits so with you answer me now" he whispered in my ear his warm breathe on my neck made me feel uneasy as I froze trying to take it in but the longer I said nothing the more he pressured the blade to my skin until it got to much and I gave in "Carmen" I answered as he smuggled smiling at me like he won.

As he pulled away I noticed drops of blood on his dagger "are you serious?" I yelled as he looked at me confused "what" "what ...what you fucking cut me" I added pulling my fingers from my neck stained in drops of ruby blood "well if you weren't so stubborn I wouldn't have to" he snarled at me. I've had enough of this so I punched him in the face "that's for my throat" I yelled at him as he looked down on me in disbelief "you have no idea who your messing with love" he said rubbing his red cheek "and I don't care I don't take crap from no one" I replied as he grabbed my hair "your cute when your mad" he said to my ear again as I laughed "well carry on like this and I'll be fucking adorable" I replied "you should be glad that I like you" "oh yeah why" I asked "because now I'm less likely to kill you" that last statement freaked me out and it was written all over my face as he saw and grinned "come on I'll take you back to camp" he stated leading the way.

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