Buste Trasparenti

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Toby: - I lay in my bed sheets with my laptop on my lap, I remain peeled to the screen as I'm talking to Nicole, I feel really bad how I left things between us and how I didn't apologize to her. So this was the moment that I did but it's seem she was apologizing to me instead, how she was being selfish because she wanted to make Corey Jealous. Nicole likes Corey. Wow I don't even feel hurt about this, I thought.

I said what Corey said to me about Hannah, to just let it all out and tell him how she feels. Then I felt even worse than before because I haven't even told Hannah myself yet and I'm telling Nicole to do something I haven't done, well it pretty clears things up. I'm an asshole and she's a bitch.

(Toby's Thoughts) – Corey's gay, ops I total forgot, I guess not. Should I tell her now or face to face at school tomorrow or let her found out herself?

I start to type and back space as I see that Nicole goes offline.

Alex: -  So I've got short term memory lost the doctors says; that I should continue doing my daily routine...with Nat who I barely know. Who say is my girlfriend? They say it'll come to me eventually.   

Nat walks into the room,  she wears black shiny tights with a  blue shirt and her hear is worn lose up onto the the side of her face.  "Hi; come on; get your things the taxi is waiting outside" She stands there awkwardly staring at me. "Oh crunches here?" I wave one around and giggle.

Nat:- He itches his right eyebrow with his thump while he giggles. "Fine" I grab his things and help with the doors as he thanks me. I can feel his eyes checking me out every time I open the door which was only two the rest was automatic thank heavenly devil. 

Alex:- We arrive at the hotel at eleven o'clock pm, Nat helps me get out of the taxi as I get myself on to my crunches. She pays for the taxi and the taxi leaves in a rush.

Nat looks at me with wonder and her eyes watchers my every move I make with discover.

She puts her hands on my back as I see her throat ball moves gently as she speaks.

"Are you okay?"

"As long as you're okay, I'm okay beautiful is what they say right?" I giggle once again. The painkillers are fading out a little now.  

"I'm okay" I kiss her on her soft pointy cheeks, her eyelids closes for a second and opens when she exhales air out of her mouth.

Jake: - "I'm off to bed now you should get some rest for school tomorrow Hannah?"

She sits in Elise's empty room, as I see slight sadness on Hannah's face.

"What happened Dad?.....To Elise?"

"She wasn't very well, turned to drugs and took to many"

A tire drops down her cheeks. 

"I miss her Dad"

My chest burns of emptiness as Hannah reaches out to me with her feelings.

"Me too......But you know Elise is always with us right?"


I walk into the room and sit next to Hannah on the floor as I point to her heart.


She smiles and gives me a tight hug as I kiss Hannah on the head.

"Everything will be alright we just got to keep being strong, Promise you'll do that for Mother and I?"

Her head moves closer in and leans on my chest as her arms warps me around.

"I promise"

Hannah: - I've just made my second grown up promise.

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