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Red Violet hair with pale smoky skin and those red eyes; It appears like a shape of a woman but then it fades away into the darkness of the forest as soon as I get close to it.

I start running as my breath paces through my lungs fast as my feet hits the ground firm, my eyes glance behind my shoulders and in that moment I knew I was running from something now. Something really fast and strong, I breath heavier and my chest becomes hard. My feet start to sink into the muddy grass, something pushes me over on to my knees, I feel sharp pain as the grass stems grip tight on to my thighs and pulls me in.  My body feeling numb and tight; I take a  big gulp into my lungs as I feel my chest gets covered; reaching my hands out to grab on  a tree branch but instead it was a hand. I open my eyes as I jump out of bed  founding myself grabbing my phone off my nightstand; it reads 2:13 am. I lay there what feels like a few hours in silence so I remain still as my eyes feel slightly heavy every time I blink.
3 more hours for warrior duties!
4 hours Later


"Run! Get to the next groundings now! Captain Kevin shouts out to the crew as we go through the tunnels.

It has been 257 days in Afghanistan, war isn't for everyone. 

It's an eye opener, your mix up with all these feelings that you have been trained on to do, they say your ready and you feel ready but the truth is who is really ready for war? 

Lucky me I'm way over the first time open eye stage of war but my buddy Moe isn't. I know his frighten you can tell by a mile away, hiding and covering his ears. "You alright mate?" I laugh as if this was a sick joke we were playing on him. 

 Moe gives me nods as he nervously laughs. I grab him by the right shoulder lightly patting it. "Come on we got to go to the next base its not secure here".

"I cant my foot is stuck!" All my attention went to his foot instantly regretting what I did before hand. I try pulling it but Moe screamed. "I don't want to die"

"You wont" I say this sounding very blunt with no emotions.

"Alex! Hurry all else we all going to die here" Elijah throws his hands around while he says this.

"Go ahead without us will be there soon!" Elijah and other five soldiers nod and start going to the next ground while shooting the guns; sending  echo vibrations in my ears once again.

"Come on lets get your foot out" Moe pulls on his leg as I dig around the mud.

Moe's leg is free and we start ending to the second ground base.

"Boom! Boom! Dirt sprays up and out into the air knocking us both on the ground.

This is the moment everything was blank, not black though it was full of memories.

My mother being a control freak every time I sipped cordial on the counter top at the age of nine, My father marrying my mothers best friend, also Hannah when she was just a small baby and other small ones like my first kiss, 18th birthday and my parents divorce.

"Alex your okay" A voice I hear that sounds like my mothers but as I open my eyes I see a nurse smiling at me. "Where is Moe?" I look around and see nothing but bodies everywhere in a tent.

There is Moe's pale body in bed, a nurse covers his face with the bed sheets, I tired to save Moe. The imagine of his body going in a bag to go to his family was  one of the things I couldn't quite get my emotions around. Moe had a Wife and a daughter. She was  Hannah's age.  I had to stop thinking about it. The dirt on my face stops the tires from going down further. 

I look down at my chest were I feel the most cold now. Blood is everywhere but most of it is from Moe. No stinging came from the area besides my shoulders and left eye.


Back Home

Four Hours on a plane, Eleven hours on a train and three  hours on a bus to get home sounded daunting but I have to do what I've been told. I arrive at two o'clock at Nicki station, I see my cousin Hannah waving, excited to see them.

"Alex! I've miss you so much!" Hannah runs and embraces me tightly, her small arms wraps my left arms as the stings from it awakens, she looks up at me with her beautiful blue eyes, oh how much I've miss her.

I pick her up into my arms and embrace her trying to not do other damage to my broken ribs.

Jake and Vicky joined the embrace.

"Oh, I miss you too, wow you've grown so much, I cant believe your Thirteen already, glad to see you guys! How's Elise going? "

We keep our hold "I'm ready to join the soccer team and Elise is in camp school for 2 weeks, Mum is Alex going to stay with us?!"

l kept our hold until Jake breaks the circle and heads to the car with my bags, I didn't reply to Hannah because I knew I wasn't welcome into there house but iIwas happy there where here to help me take me to where I needed to go. Vicky calls Hannah to her side and gets into the car.

The day is sunny maybe to sunny for my liking, the glass car window shine through on to the leather seats. Soon it will be over, the sky will darken in about an hour and I will be in a hotel room.

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