
While I was packing my things I was distracted by the sound of loud banging against the hotel door. I was terrified to go near it, that was until I heard Chris calling my name. I ran over to the door and opened it.

He rushed in the room breathing heavily and pacing back and forth. "We have to leave right now?"

"What happened?" I asked walking over to him.

"When I went to the convenience store there was this guy and something was off about him so when I started walking out the store he came after me and when I started running he chased me into the hotel" He said trying to catch his breath.

"Okay but that doesn't mean he knows what room we're in" I stated.

"So we just gon' wait for him to find us and possibly kill us?" Chris semi yelled. He walked over to his backpack and grabbed it zipping it up.

Just as we walked towards the door we saw the the knob was being turned. "Fuck" Chris mumbled. He pulled me into the bathrrom and shut the door locking it

"We can't jump out the window this time its too high" I said looking out the window.

"You're right that's why were going through the air vent" he stepped on his tippy toes and opened the vent.

"Okay go" I stood on the toilet And started climbing into the vent with the help of Chris. When I got inside the vent I heard the hotel room door burst open which meant whoever was after us was now in our hotel room. A few seconds later Chris was climbing into the air vent. He closed it behind him and tells me to start crawling through the vent which I do.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"I don't know but we need to make it to my car before they do" Chris says. I looked down through one of the vents and see a couple laying in bed watching TV. I continue to ccrawl until I reached another vent, I look down and notice that we're right about the kitchen.

"We should get out here" I tell Chris

"Nah there's too many people find another one" I nod and continue crawling when I finally reach the third vent.

"It looks like a laundry room" I say looking back at Chris.

"Open it"

I push the vent open and jump down landing into a large laundry basket. I get out and wait for Chris, once he lands into the basket I help him out as he grabs his backpack.

"Its hella dark in this bitch" Chris blurts out.

"Yeah okay let's go" I grab his hand and run to the door pulling it only to find out it was locked. "Shit" I mumble.

"Try this one" Chris says pulling me to another door luckily it was open, when we turned the corner to run down the hall we ran into a tall white guy in a suit. He swings at Chris punching him in the face.

Chris hits him back causing him to stumble which gave Chris the perfect opportunity to take his backpack off.

"Here take this and go to my car, stay there until I get there" he stated, I nodded the grabbed his backpack and took off running down the hall, I run down 4 flights of stairs until I reach the exit door I pushed it open only to be blinded by red and blue lights, guns were aimed towards me. I held my hands up and stood in place.

"Drop both of the backpacks" a officer yelled. Just as I was about to listen to his instructions Chris ran out the building pulling me by my arm. We ran around the side of the building and in a ditch.

"You still have the vial I gave you right?" Chris asked.


"Okay we'll have to leave the vials here but as long as you have one of them you're good" I took the back pack off and handed it to him.

"We have to run to my car and no matter what do not stop until you reach it do you understand me?" He said looking into my eyes I nodded.

"Okay let's go" he grabbed my hand and started running over to the parking lot. We were feet away from his car when I heard a loud gunshot. Chris yelled in pain and fell to the floor.

"Are you hurt?" I asked kneeling down beside him. He didn't say anything all he did was groan, I pulled him onto my lap and he winced in pain, my lap became soaked and when I looked down I saw that my pants were covered in blood. I instantly started panicking.

"Okay um you're gonna be okay Chris" I said as I stood up, I linked my arms under his and started pulling him towards the car.

"Get my keys" I heard him say

"Where are they?"

"In my pocket, get them and go"

"I'm not leaving without you" I stated.

"Jordin go now, if you don't then they'll kill you too. Make sure that you keep the poison safe, they only want it so they can kill people" I nod taking in everything he said.

"Promise me you'll keep it safe"

"I promise Chris" I lean down and kiss him before standing up, I walk over to his car and start the engine. As I drive away I see the cops run over to Chris, they shoot him in the back 3 times before putting him in handcuffs.

Next Day,

It hasn't even been 24 hours since I witnessed Chris get murdered. The story made the news and they said that Chris had a gun and fired at one of the cops which was a lie because he didn't even have a gun. They still haven't found me And I plan on keeping it that way.

I pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and cut the car off. I slowly got out of the car and walked over to the ditch where Chris hid our backpacks the night before, I retrieved both of them and walked back over to the car getting in.

I don't know exactly where I'm going but I made a promise to Chris and I plan on keeping it, I can't go to my parents house because that's the first place they'll be looking so I guess I'll just have to hop from state to state until they stop looking for me. Its funny how one simple prank lead to all this. 3 of my friends are in prison and one is dead, I'm basically a fugitive and is wanted for murder but there's nothing I can really do about it beside go into hiding

That's a wrap the end

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