Chapter 19

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Herding all the shifters in our ghetto was a hard enough feat, but slowly arond the world there were more and more shifters coming in. A beacon had been sent, a call to all shifters regardless of their rank. The time was coming soon, this was the draft. We were the sergeants. We'd chosen this place because it was created for us, literally. The Gods had a hand in making all of this and making sure that we wouldn't be found unless we were ready to. It was an underground fortress with enough space for very shifter family to have a home and where every bed was filled. There was an endless amount of food, literally again. What's the logic behind having a structure made by the Gods ti hide us and then we're caught inside a seven eleven on a midnight run. Tomorrow was going to be the day we broke it to everybody, the day we revealed the truth that we'd hidden from then. But for tonight, we'd let them rest. We'd spent hours taking the chips out of every man, woman, and child that came through the portal. Pups of all breeds were rolling around in the dirt, getting pleasurably dirty. Even some of the teens were enjoying their actual freedom. The adults could be heard, their laughter and their collective sighs of relief. To them, it was over. This was their heaven. This was where the war ended and we were all safe. I hated myself all the more for knowing that I'd have to pop their bubble and spit in their face tomorrow. But for today, I sighed as I ruffled the fur on a bear cubs belly, they can enjoy the spoils of war. Who the hell knew when they were going to be able to again.

Something flew past ,y head, making me duck automatically before putting my hand on my head. I looked in the direction that it came from and was shocked to see Vixie standing there with shock on here face too. I looked at what she threw and I saw a miniature boulder, the size of half her body. Her cheeks were flushed bright pink and her habnds glowing blue with magick. One of the other shifter kids stood next to her, their mouths stuck open and wide with both fear and awe. The little polar bear snapped to his senses and nudged Vixie.

"I think you won't be able to hide it any longer." He said earnestly, which almost made me feel bad for the look of brief anger that flashed across her face.

"No need getting angry at me, you four legged people. Gosh, no sign of intelligent or REASONABLE thought process." He said with a dramatic roll of his eyes and way too much seriousness in those dark eyes of his. His white hair flopped over his eyes as he looked to me and his face flooded with color.

"I'm Louie." He saod politely, walking around his stunned friend and holding out his hand.

"Charmed." My eyes quickly went back to Vixie who at least snapped back enough to close her mouth and stand up straight.

"I call him Loogie, like the spit ball. Cuz he looks like one. One gigantic, sticky, spit ball." She growled and tht's when it hit me; her scent. It was a tidal wave of scent and damn near knocked me off my ass. Her wolf was strong and she was ready to come out. Vixie was only eight, bordering on nine in a couple of months. She shouldn't be getting her wolf so soon but I'd assumed that her process would be quickened because her being half fae.

"She didn't need to know that- you didn't need to know that. I understand that you feel threatened in the face of superiority but I need you to try to keep you asinine comments to yourself."

"There's only one asinine person here, and it ain't me."

"I feel like you don't know the meaning of that word, you just spat it back - and I do mean spat- at me just because it has the word ass in it; shows your maturity in wonders."

"It'll be a wonder on how fast your bones can reform after I cave your nose in."

"Oh yeah, respond with violence; that's the way to go about getting things done." I sighed deeply before grabbing the back of their heads and clonking them together. They groaned equally and looked at me.

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