Chapter 2

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"Lunch isn't over yet." She said softly as I marched past her, refusing to answer that. I bit into my burger and headed for the doors, I could go to class early. I heard the double doors open behind me but I didn't slow down or stop eating my burger. A person jumped on my back and another person grabbed my legs ensuring I couldn't move.

"You guys are major doofs." I mumbled through chewed up burger.

"Yeah... but you love us." Cella said as she gave me a noogie.

"Nah, she loves me. Couldn't give two pigeon poops about you." Mason said nestling his head into my belly.

"If you guys don't mind I've got choir." Cella snorted as she hopped off my back and put her hands on her hips as she sidled next to me.

"Since when do you care so much about the meat sacks?"

"That's the name now?" Mason asked as he popped up from the floor wiping dirt from his black jeans. "I thought we were going with blood pouches?"

"That's a little offensive don't you think?" Cella asked as she looked to me, I shrugged keeping the burger in my mouth and savoring the meat.

"And meat sacks aren't?" Mason asked, quirking one black brow at his twin sister, his lip tipping up at one side. Mason was hot, in every way imaginable. He had abs that would make any girl dump whoever they were with if only just to touch them once and charm that would shame the devil. My eyes just weren't... for him.

"Shut up doof." She scoffed then looked to me and blinked making her bangs shake as if she just realized I was here.

"That was quite a dance in there."

"That was the normal dance."

"Oh no I wasn't talking about that, furry, I was talking about the little dance between you, Leotis, and Ander." She quirked a brow and crossed her arms. I rolled my eyes and walked away, not wanting to talk about it.

"Nice going doof, you upset her." Mason said before he flinted in front of me. I sighed and pushed the last of my burger in my mouth, then raised a brow as if to say what are you going to do now. He raised one back and instantly I was encased in two pair of arms.

"Twin terrors!" He shouted gleefully I sighed and swallowed the burger which was starting to taste nasty.

"I'm not upset I just... have to get to the classroom. To set up the board." I said reluctantly trying to make it sound as sincere as possible. They both snorted at the same time and squeezed tighter, making me bite my lip to keep from laughing.

"Fine! If you must know I've got a really hard song and I need to prepare the classroom." I was fighting so hard not to make my voice tremor, they squeezed until I squeaked mercy.

"Fine, fine, fine!!! I'm upset!!" The arms disappeared and I wrapped an arm around my midsection.

"Not cool, at all." I growled at them playfully. They both rolled their eyes and crossed their arms, looking at me for explanation.

"I don't have time to explain it to you guys." Cella snorted and her eyes glistened with humor and mischief.

"We could make time, we're both pretty hungry." Mason said, a fang popping from under his top lip. I barely stopped the shiver, vampires creeped me out slightly.

"You will not eat on the meat sacks... or blood pouches. Whatever the hell you're calling them. The bell will ring soon and you guys are already on your second strike." They had violated all sorts of rules but had only been caught twice, Principal Valentine had given them three strikes before he stepped in directly. Nobody ever took his threats seriously, but there had been cases where vamps were taken out of school by the government and those instances weren't few.

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