Chapter 13

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She didn't show up to lunch, not like I expected her to. She was strong and she was brave, but she was still just a 13 year old girl that was terrified. Mason, however, came to lunch but said little to nothing. He sat down at a table located across the lunch room and shot looks to where she normally sat. Jesse, not accompanied with Veronica, sat fuming in his seat. In fact, damn near everyone in my family seemed to be about to blow but me. A nice change. Finally, breaking the tension, Lina slammed her cup on the table and stood up.

"Aww shit." I heard somebody mumbled and wanted very much to accompany them in that statement but my wolf kept me quiet. Watch, she whispered. We watched as our little sister walked to Mason, her fists clenched and her strides long. Mason stood, noticing everyone had went silent, and watched her approach. In a move quicker than my wolf could place she punched him in the jaw and sent him to the ground. Alissa gasped and stood, making JEsse stand and put his hand on her waist to stop her. He sent her a look before watching his sister.

"You asshole!" She screamed, kicking him in his gut. He fell back over with the force of the kick and looked up at her. He fought with his beast so he wouldn't attack her, clenching his teeth in a move I knew all too well.

"You made her cry, all because you're too stupid to see when you've got a good thing!" She punched his jaw again before backing up and shaking her head.

"You hurt her, just because you're too scared to get hurt yourself. I always thought that your kind had hearts, that the stuff humans said about the lot of you not having a soul and missing a heart was more human fiction. Now I know it's a fact." She turned around and started walking before stopping, a pinched expression appearing on her face.

"Stay away from her." A roar filled the room as Mason stood.

"She's mine."

"She's her own person and she's tired of being used like a fucking condom!" My eyebrows shot up in shock. She never cursed.

"She. Is. Mine." He snarled and she turned back around.

"Not anymore."

"Mine!!" He roared and a blur shot to him, Cella, holding her arm out and looking at him.

"You've used her for the last time. I'll be damed if I ever fucking let you touch her or use her again!" Lina snarled, turning and storming out of the cafeteria leaving us all stunned.

I groaned and rubbed my temples, the sheer brightness of Eternal was killing me. Today was the day they'd chosen for practice, a fucking friday night when the day had been so boringly uneventful.

"Focus Luna." Mother Moon tsked, all the while throwing more obstacles at me. I stood straight and analyzed everything in front of me, we'd been placed in a simulator room to match our strnegths and display our weaknesses. The rooms fed off of your fears and launched them at you in a way to strengthen even the weakest fighter. I analyzed the electronic dummies in front of me, watching for any hint of what they might be before the simulation started. I crinkled my brow in frustration. What's the give, my wolf snarled and a small part of me chuckled. It's what gives, I told her before watching the enemy.

"Ready? Begin." The room darkened and I pulled on my wolf and Red Luna powers, together they would help ensure victory. The dummies moved around, controlled by the power of the Gods', as if they were actual enemies and crouched and jumped and hid. My wolf picked up on movement from left and right so I jumped, avoiding a dual attack. Using earth I encased both of them in a rock and picked up the rock before slamming it down on the ground, knowing nothing survived that. I stood proudly before my wolf snarled. There were three, at that I narrowed my eyes. I remembered three too. Then the smell hit me, strong and pure. The scent of blood, not any blood but Ander's blood. My eyes turned red and I turned towards the smell and clenched my fists. The dummie stood with a knife in Ander's side, my fangs popped out. I watched as the life fled from Ander's eyes and his body sagged to the ground. I ran to the dummy head on, grabbed his head and flipped over snapping his neck and removing it from his body. Using fire I set the dummy on fire and refused to look at him.

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