So I thought I'd start with the truth and hope Amelia wouldn't take offense or think I was incapable of planning out a date on my own. As I sat there staring at the blank page thinking about the answers, her answers gave me an idea for a date thus giving me the encouragement needed to start writing.



Although the idea of this email was Morgan's and not mine I hope you don't think I'm incapable of planning a date, this email has actually given me ideas for tomorrow's date which I hope you won't be disappointed in. it's been a long while since I've been on a date with anyone, do forgive me as I am out of practice with this sort of thing.

To answer the questions Morgan so 'generously' provided.( sarcasm intended and hopefully noticed. )

1- I am not opposed to art though I can honestly say it's probably because I don't know much about it. Music, on the other hand, was once a secret passion of mine, one I don't even think my family knew about, maybe I'll surprise you and show you one day.

2- One can never go wrong with Chinese, take out and yes compared to a lot of things I've tried it falls into the food group. However my years in the military had broadened my pallet a bit, there's not much I won't try which may or not be a good thing at times.

3- I've been to a few places in my time as a Marine. if I had to choose I'd say I liked to go back London and actually spend some time taking in the sights, as my stay there was brief and restricted to the base.

4- It's been years since I allowed myself the luxury of being idle or had the time to enjoy any sort of entertainment, maybe tomorrow will be the first of many.

5- I along with a group of friends once dressed as the characters from the Austin Powers Movie our junior year of high school, You'd probably never believe it, but I was a lot more outgoing and adventurous when I was younger though it' may have been because of the friends I had. However, I have never actually been to a costume party.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow, I don't know if I'm more excited or nervous maybe a little of both.


p.s. Send me a text when you are ready to be picked up from work.


I hit send and started planning for tomorrow, There's the Lincoln Park Arts & Music Festival, an event for local artist and musicians to show off their talent, there would be food vendors and it all ended with an outdoor movie in the park. It hasn't started snowing yet though I knew with the park being so close to the lake I had to be prepared for the chilly evening.

I received a text from Amelia informing me she'd ride home with Lauren after work which gave me some time to head out and make preparations for tomorrow. I was getting more excited as I planned and hoped she would enjoy the surprise ahead

By the time I got home, it was 10 pm, the living room light was on and I could hear Lauren laughing, assuming she was talking to Amelia I made my way in to let her know what time we'd leave tomorrow.

I was surprised to find my sister and Morgan laughing and carrying on like old friends. "Hey, you two what's going on?" I raised a brow in question.

"Oh hey sis, Morgan came to talk to you about a project she said you're both were working on," Lauren replied, sounding a little too excited, 'must be the wine she was sipping on,' I thought. "Where were you, you missed dinner," She questioned.

"Sorry, I had some things to do for tomorrow," I answered.

"Ah yes, the date," Morgan smirked, "where are you taking her?"

Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian fiction) (Edited version published on amazon)Where stories live. Discover now