Daughter of the Demon-28-Used

Start from the beginning

Jacob jumped up and walked over to me. “No . . . no . . . please don’t cry. Please.” He grabbed my face in his hands and wiped away my tears, and then he moved them slowly down my arms and released me.

“I’m not . . .” I tried, and then grabbed my throat in pain.

“Don’t talk, Jemma. I’m so, so sorry, but we can’t see each other. For at least a little while.”

I closed my eyes, letting more tears escape. A moment later I felt Jacob’s hands on my neck, his thumbs brushing my jaw, and his mouth pressed against mine hard. He didn’t try to take the kiss deeper, he just kept his mouth on mine, memorizing the taste and the feel of me, and then he let go. I didn’t open my eyes. I heard my window click open and then shut, and the tree outside shutter. I grabbed my stomach, sliding down my wall until I was crouched over, feeling a new kind of empty I had never felt before.



I knew I had done the right thing, but a part of me was telling me I had just made a huge, huge mistake. God, it was hard. I hated seeing her cry and I hated even more being the reason behind her tears.

But I had to do that. At first I wanted to break her, but it took Belinda for me to realize that just breaking her wasn’t enough. She had to move in total out of her depression and back into her own mind. Only then could I trust that she felt the same way. Only then could we . . . be together.

The only thing that stood to question, was, would that happen? Could Jemma move out of her depressed state of mind? What would it take for her to do so? And had I just made the biggest goddamn mistake of all time?

You could see my many problems.

Which is why I had to call an emergency meeting at Jake’s Shakes with Trevor.

I arrived in town at Jake’s Shakes and sat down at our usual booth. I ordered a chocolate shake and waited for Trevor to arrive. I saw him outside the window and he waved. I waved back, until I saw who he had brought with him, and my jaw tightened. Really. Angelina? Must he bring her everywhere?

“Hey, J,” Trevor said, sitting down and clapping me on the shoulder. “What’s up?”

I tugged him down so my mouth was right by his ear and whispered furiously, “When I call an emergency meeting, it means for just the person I called and nobody extra. You know I can’t stand---”

“Jacob!” Angelina said loudly, causing me to pause on my outburst to Trevor and turn to her. A vein was throbbing and her eyes were squinted and she just looked totally pissed.

“What?” I asked, acting innocent but sure I knew what she was going to say.

“How could you break up with Abby? And for that demon of all people?”

I didn’t need to be reminded of Jemma. I clenched and unclenched my hands under the table. “That,” I said slowly, “is none of your business.”

“It is too my business. What’d that witch do, screw with your head?”

I breathed deeply. “Abby and I are no longer together. But I am not with Jemma, either.”

“That’s not how it seemed when I talked to Abby.”

“A lot has happened in between that time period, Angelina. I say once again, it’s none of your business.”

She looked like she wanted to say something else, but she held her tongue and rolled her eyes instead.

“Now, I hate to be exclusive, but,” I glared at Trevor and then looked upon Angelina again, “you need to leave.”

Daughter of the Demon (I)Where stories live. Discover now