Fourth Of December Was The Best Day Of My Life

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Chapter Twelve... Fourth Of December Was The Best Day Of My Life

I was well and truly overdue with Lucy. She must have been so cramped in my belly, and I guarantee I was just as uncomfortable. All I wanted was my daughter out of me.

"Eugh!" I groaned as I walked out into the living room. Kent and Sam sat cuddled up on the lounge together, and they both looked up as I slumped past them.

"How are you today, Paigey?" Kent asked sympathetically. "Any chance that Lucy's gonna greet us with her presence today?"

"I freaking hope so!" I shouted as I sat down. "Oh, my God! I am so goddamn uncomfortable, I'm ready to pull her out."

"Calm down, Paige," Sam chuckled. "She'll come out when she's ready."

"She was due nine days ago!" I snapped. "Screw waiting! I want her out!"

"Pregnant women are moody..." Sam groaned, standing up and leaving the room.

"What's his problem?" I asked bitterly.

"Your constant whining is getting on his nerves," Kent explained. "He doesn't want kids, see. He thinks that being gay means you can't have kids. And after seeing you all pregnant and moody, he likes kids even less."

"And me?" I frowned.

"I don't know about that," he answered honestly. "I hope not. Because he always thought of you as a good friend."

"He hasn't liked me since I got pregnant," I sighed. "I can tell."

"He's just... he's Sam. He would make the best girl in the world because he's got the mood swings to match."

"Doesn't make up for him not liking me," I frowned.

Sam returned to the room to tell us he had to go to work, and left Kent and I sitting in the living room. I couldn't be bothered to get up, and Kent had the day off from school so he decided that he would have a lazy day, too.

"You know all the crap they tell you that you can do to induce labour is just that?" I frowned. "Nothing has worked... well, there's one thing. But ha! I need Ramone for that..."

"Huh?" Kent said, looking dazed.

"Never mind," I muttered.

"Oh!" he said suddenly. "There's a theory that sex is known to induce labour! I get it now! That's why you need Ramone."

"No, I don't need him," I sighed. "I've already prepared myself to do this alone with the help of you and Sam when I need it. I don't need Ramone."

"You just need Lucy to be born already so that you can be a bit more comfortable," he chuckled. "I bet she'll be here soon."

"I freaking hope so!" I shouted.

"Paige!" he hissed. "Don't shout. The neighbours will think that something is wrong."

"Eugh!" I groaned. "Lucy! Come out! Please!"

"I don't think telling her is going to help."

"If I keep going at this rate, I'll have to get induced and I really don't want that."

"Look. She's coming soon anyway. What's a few more days?"

"A few more days?! Hell no! I'll give you a few more days!"

I grabbed the cushion next to me and hit him with it. He laughed and grabbed a cushion himself, hitting me back.

"Hey! No fair hitting the pregnant one!" I giggled.

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