11. Breakfast at Aria's

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'They call me cry baby, cry baby, but I don't fucking care, cry baby, cry baby, so you laugh through your tears..' That was my ringtone blasting from the living room that woke me up out of my escape trance. 'Aria! Your phone's ringing!' Spencer yelled, way too hard. 'No shit Sherlock' I mumbled sarcastically. 'Yeah, just pick up for me please I'll be there in a sec' I yelled back. I loved her but sometimes she could be really annoying. I picked up the two coffee mugs with the hot liquid while I heard Spencer talking to someone on my phone. I walked towards the couch where Ezra and Spencer were both standing up. 'What?! No way, yes, I will let her know thanks for calling!' Spencer screamed excitedly. She then put my phone down as she turned to me. 'What is it..?' I asked skeptical. 'Aria.. YOUR STORY WILL BE FEATURED IN THE NEW YORK TIMES!' she screamed as she pulled me into a hug. I frowned as my heart beat sped up. A million little pieces of emotions crossed my heart, but it couldn't seem to decide which one of them I was going to feel. 'Wait.. what story?..' I asked not knowing if I wanted to hear the answer. Spencer pulled away from the hug, confused as to whereas I wasn't happy. 'Your mom said that she asked you to send a story last week and when you did that she found it so good she immediately sent it to the New York Times and they clearly loved it just as much' she said happily. My eyes widened as I tried to put on a mask of happiness. 'What! That's insane!' I yelled out, pulling her into another hug. As Ezra was happily watching me being fake-happy, the guy that I stole the work from last week. I thought it would never be good enough.. 'I can't wait to read it' he said with a smile. 'neither can I' Spencer stated. 'We have to celebrate!' she went on. 'how about a dinner at my place tonight?' she offered. 'That's so sweet of you to offer Spence, but really it's not nece...' 'OMG we can invite Hanna and Emily, all will be so perfect' she harshly interrupted me again. 'how could I say no?' I said as I lifted my shoulders and faked a smile, trying to seem genuine. I guess it worked because she pulled me into a hug again. I felt my feet become heavy as hell so I clinged on to her tightly. 'I have to go home..' Ezra suddenly said. He picked up his jacket from the couch. 'wait, will you be there tonight?' Spencer asked him, poking me in my flank sneakily. 'No, I can't I'm sorry, have fun!' he stated, as he walked out of my apartment. That was a relief, maybe it wouldn't be so awkward. 'It's going to be epic' Spencer said happily, with a smile that reached the moon.


vote if you recognized the song at the beginning (: 

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