8. British tea

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The only thing I saw was black and I felt a pounding headache. I opened my eyes with a lot of difficulty. My body felt miserable. I found myself in the back of my own car, laying across the seats, I didn't have any shoes on. I couldn't move for a couple of minutes. My vision was blurry and every breath I took hurt my head and lungs. Where the hell was I? I tilted my head, it was heavy as hell and it hurt like shit. My dress was not in its place anymore. The top half was unzipped and pulled down, leaving me in my black lace bra. My heart fell into my stomach. What did I do? What happened? I moved my hands and I pulled my dress up with shaking fingers, I zipped it up again. I groped around me and I felt two bottles, empty bottles. I moved my hand up the door and found the car door handle. I wrapped my shaking fingers around it and pulled it down, I was breathing heavily and I smelt like tequila. I immediately went back in my head to the guy at the party, Noel in the kitchen. I couldn't remember more. How could I have been so stupid? I slowly swung my legs out of the car, I felt like throwing up. 'Where are my goddamn shoes' I hissed at myself, like they would suddenly appear if I said it out loud. Suddenly tears were streaming down my face. How would I get home? I didn't even have my goddamn car keys. I buried my face in my hands and cried, even though I knew it wouldn't bring me anywhere. I looked around, I wished my head would just stop pounding for one bitter second. Once my vision became clearer I recognized where I was; Radley Sanitarium. If I would just stay where I was I wouldn't get anywhere, at least I knew some people there. I stood up, a little too fast so I fell down on my butt which made my headache worse. I slowly got up. How was I going to explain what happened to me? I felt a shiver, I was so damn cold. I walked towards the entrance of the sanitarium barefoot. As I came closer I noticed that the door was locked. 'Goddamnit' I hissed again. I rang the doorbell. A friendly face appeared, a face with a gorgeous pair of hazel eyes frowned. 'Aria?' A British accent sounded. Wren quickly opened the door. I stepped inside and let my feet rest on the soft carpet. 'what happened?' he asked, still in shock, I must've been looking awful. 'I don't know' I uttered, not knowing if he could hear me. 'You know what? Never mind, you must be really cold' Wren said caring, he knew that if I would know what happened, I wouldn't tell him, at least not now. He was charming and caring, like Wren is. I nodded. I began to see little tiny dots, my eyes widened. 'Wren, I see.. all these..' I fell down. Wren gasped. He walked over to me and sat down on one knee beside me. 'Are you drunk?' he said. 'maybe..' I whispered with a grin. He slid his arms under my body and picked me up bridal style. He brought me to an empty Radley room and lay me down on the bed. 'wait here' he said. 'It's not like I can go anywhere..' I uttered while laughing at myself. He grinned and laughed it off. He came back with an oversized t-shirt of his and a sweater that he probably kept in his locker. I had a locker too, but I didn't bring the key. 'Come on Cinderella, stand up.' He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. 'My head hurts' I complained. Wren shook his head. He led me to the showers. 'Can you call Spencer, tell her I'm fine, or well, that I will be fine?' I asked him. He nodded and then he closed the door. 'Wait!' I said, he walked back in, 'thank you, for saving me' I said. He smiled; 'my pleasure' he said with that dreamy accent of his.

I enjoyed the hot water running over my body. I convinced myself that I just needed some sleep and things would look better in the morning. I just needed to contact Spence and all would be fine. I felt awful, but at least I smelt like coconut milk now instead of tequila thanks to Wren. I got out of the shower and put on my underwear. I put on his white t-shirt and his sweater which said OXFORD in big blue letters. I looked into the mirror, I didn't look that bad apart from the dark circles underneath my eyes. I grinned. I walked out of the bathroom to be welcomed by Wren with tea. We sat down on the couch in the dayroom and he piled loads of blankets on me, we laughed and smiled, he said he called Spencer and she would pick me up in 30 and I would be sleeping at her house tonight. Wren lit some candles where he talked really passionate about. I yawned. He giggled, 'Come here, you can lay with me' he said and he opened his arms as a joke. 'Pssshh, not even if I got paid for it' I chuckled. He looked at me offended. 'Pshh, I don't want you unless you are wearing that dress you wore earlier because HOT' he laughed. I smirked. He was probably just a bit sleep-deprived, and so was I. He suddenly leaned over to me and grabbed my arm. 'No don't worry Aria, you can lay with me whenever you want' he said with a sparkle in his eyes. I smiled. Before I knew it he was kissing me. I pulled back in shock. Wren looked surprised. 'What? Something wrong?' he asked with puppy eyes. 'No it's jus...' He was shutting me up through kissing me. He ran his hands under my sweater. I tried to pull away. 'Wren stop, Wren!' I started to shout. He struck me down on the couch and lay on top of me. Kissing my neck. 'WREN STOP!' I shouted hoping someone would hear me. 'WREN I SAID NO' I begged him. He looked me in the eye 'Once you get into it you will enjoy it, relax Aria' I tried to kick him off me. 'WREN GET THE HELL OFF ME' I screamed. He placed his hand on my mouth and started trying to pull my panties down with the other one, I fought back. Then the weight on me suddenly disappeared and Wren fell off me. 'She said no you moron' I heard a familiar voice, my heart jumped. I was picked up by two strong arms and dragged outside. I was paralyzed. I knew who those arms and voice belonged to. I couldn't say a word. They dragged me outside where Spencer just arrived with my coat. Tears were streaming down my face. Spencer got out of the car and ran up to me and the pair of arms and the guy who they belonged to; Ezra Fitz. 'What happened?' she said as she put my coat around me. 'She'll explain in the car just get her out of here' Ezra said. He pushed me in Spencer's arms and then ran away himself, supposedly climbing back into his own room through his window, locking the door for Wren. Spencer just did what Ezra told her to do. She pushed me onto the passenger seat and drove to her house.

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