3. Cold as fire

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I got in my car and drove home. It had started to rain, I really was back in Rosewood. My brain was like an echo of the waterdrops on the front window, words were falling down and together they seemed to form a thousand different patterns. I just needed a good night sleep, with that thought in mind I walked towards my apartment. I reached the lawn and saw somebody in a grey sweater - soaked - on the steps in front of my door. My knees were shaking as I approached the individual. He had his elbows resting on his knees and his hands on his head, looking down. I slowly came closer, the guy didn't hear me coming because of the overwhelming sound of the rain. My hair was dripping and my skirt was soaked. I could feel the water running in my shoes. 'Ezra..?' I asked softly. the person looked up, it was him. He leaned backwards and let his hands rest on his knees. He gazed at me. 'I made such a mistake coming here, I'm sorry Aria.' He said confused and fast. he got up and attempted to walk away, but I wouldn't let him go and leaving me guessing anymore. 'Wait' I said. he stopped immediately. 'How did you get my address?' I asked. 'I saw it.. on your dad's desk.' he explained. We were practically shouting because of the rain. 'Why did you come here?' I asked. I tried to look into his eyes without feeling the miracle-esque feeling I felt every time I even heard his name. 'To say sorry, I really should go..' he answered and he attempted to walk away again. his hands were shaking and I could see he was cold. 'No, stay' I said. he turned around surprised. I opened the door and we walked in.

'Would you like some coffee?' I asked. He nodded. I made some coffee for him and me while he looked around my apartment. We sat down on my couch. 'Thank you' he said as he sipped the hot drink. His eyes looked beaten, they were red and puffy. My make-up was probably all over my face, but I couldn't care less. 'look I'm...' we both said. We smiled like idiots. 'You go first' I said. He nodded. He looked me in the eye, like he tried to convince me of something. How could those eyes ever lie? 'I'm so sorry, Aria, for lying to you..' he started. I looked at the ground. 'But when I saw you, I just.. something came over me, and.. I don't regret it a bit. I don't regret stroking your hair, reading your eyes, talking to you, making you laugh.. kissing you.' he said. 'not for one second I've regretted it' he added. I nodded slowly. My heart jumped with every word he said. 'I know you feel it too, I can see it in your eyes' he said as he looked into them. My heart beat speed up. I looked at his lips. God no, Aria, stop. He is a mental patient and your student. this can never be right, this can never make you happy and you know that. but then, why did it make me happy now? 'Ezra, why... why are you in Radley? If I may ask..' I said softly. He bit his lip. 'My parents were afraid I would hurt myself' he said with a shaking voice. he Leaned forwards and rested his elbows on his knees, his fingers lacing into each other. 'why would you do that? hurt yourself?' I asked, carefully. He cleared his throat. 'because..' he hesitated. 'because I don't want to be alive' he uttered. he covered his face in his hands. A silence fell. I grabbed his hand. 'Ezra, look at me' I said. still in shock of the bomb he just dropped. Maybe I shouldn't have asked. He looked at me. we gazed into each other's eyes and before I knew it we were kissing. clothes flying around.

Escape (Ezria)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن