9. Coffee and chill..

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That morning Spencer drove me to Radley, my headache still hadn't really vanished, but it lessened. I told her everything I could recall, she didn't have any information that I didn't know yet. My car keys were in my coat, somebody probably tried to steal my car and I probably hooked up with him. I felt awful. 'Goodbye Spence, and I'm still so sorry' I said. She smiled 'Don't worry, just watch yourself okay?' She felt guilty for letting me out of her sight. She knew how miserable I was because of the guy whose name she still didn't know or who he was, and she still let me drink so much. But I wanted it so I guess it's fair. Well I got what I deserved. I drove home, I saw someone sitting on the steps in front of my apartement. 'Ezra?' I asked surprised. He looked up. 'Sorry, am I bothering you..?' he said. I was totally out of place, 'What? No of course not, you saved me yesterday remember?' I walked towards my door, and unlocked it. We got inside. I felt the urge to just keep talking. 'Do you want tea? Or coffee? Scotch?' I joked. He laughed. 'Coffee is okay' he said. I could tell he was still uncomfortable. I got two mugs and filled them with the hot liquid that I enjoyed so much. 'what brings you here?' I said as I handed him the mug. Ezra cleared his throat. My heart jumped. 'nothing really..' he said uncomfortably. 'Ezra?' I said. He sighed. 'I just wanted to see how you were..' he tried. 'Ezra?' I said. 'yes' he answered with a grin. 'I'm fine. Really, and you know that. What brings you here?' I stated. 'I was hoping that we could.. talk..?' he said. 'talk?' I raised my eyebrows. 'Ezra..,' I sat down beside him and grabbed his hand.

'I don't ever want to just talk to you, I lied to you about how I feel about you, hoping it would go away, but it didn't. Ezra Fitz I am so deeply in love with you that the freaking ocean would be jealous, and after what you did for me, I just can't deny it anymore. I feel it in my fingers, my heart, my bones, my soul, I can't recall a time in the past two weeks, not one time when you weren't on my mind. For better or worse, that's what I call love.'

He smiled like an idiot, mimicking my smile. I gazed into his eyes. 'so..' he uttered. 'so.. I don't want to just talk..' I said. I pulled him towards me and I pressed my lips on his.

Yesterday, when Wren was laying on top of me, the only thing I could think of is how much I would've wanted it to be Ezra, how stupid I was for rejecting him and lying.

I pulled away from the kiss.

'I want to give us a try Ezra..' I said.

'me too Aria..'

! From here on this scene will be a sex scene so if you don't feel comfortable reading those than just skip this part !

He grabbed my hand and led me to my own bed. He put my hair behind my ear, slowly moving his fingers downwards. He kissed me and as we were making out he put his fingers underneath my bra strap and played with it, going down with his fingers into it. I felt a healthy tension, it was special. I smiled as I pulled his sweater over his head. He blushed. He kissed my neck, unzipped the top I was wearing that had a zipper down the middle and let it fall off my shoulders. He stroked my back while kissing me. He unclasped my bra and took it off. He let me fall gently on my bed. Where we continued making out, he slowly ran his hands up my thigh, and stroking the inner part of it. slowly getting closer while taking his own sweatpants off, he raced his hands all over my body and then he continued taking off my skirt. He played with my panties before pulling them aside and slipping his finger in. I moaned and blushed. I felt great, amazed an loved. He smiled at me loving. 'I could learn how to live with this' he joked. 'me too' I bit my lip. He pulled down my panties and lay on top of me again. 'You're beautiful' he said. He made me feel safe, like I finally had something to hold on to, someone to confide in. I pulled down his boxers. He slowly came closer and then he came inside me, I moaned and he just smiled. He started moving slowly, I breathed heavily. No, I wouldn't trade this for the world.


would you guys like it if I went more in detail with those? or if I make it hotter :'D let me know in the comments please (:

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