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A/N: Sorry, it's been a while since I've updated, but I hope this is what you wanted! xx. Also sorry it's kinda short but I didn't want to ruin it by making it longer.

Imagine for @OnceUponAMaze

3rd Person POV

It was raining on a cloudy day in the Glade and all the Gladers were sitting in the homestead, playing games, talking, or just trying to keep themselves entertained until the rain stopped. Emma was laying on her hammock thinking about how Thomas, Minho and the others were going to find their way out of the maze when her boyfriend Newt came up behind her.

"What 'cha thinking about, love?" Emma jumped and her blue eyes flew open - bringing her out of her thoughts.
"Oh, not much. Just how we're going to get out of this maze." Newt smiled at that, he lay down next to her;
"Emma, I don't think we're ever leaving..." He said cuddling her close.
"It's nice to think about it though, think about seeing our families and what life is like outside the Glade." Newt chuckled and stroked her brown hair.
"I love you, you know that."
"I know, I love you too." She replied smiling at him. He lent his head down and kissed her on the nose. "Hey Newt I was wondering -" Minho said walking in on the couple, stopping his sentence short when he saw them.
"I 'll just go, um, I'll talk to you later Newt." Emma blushed and Newt laughed slightly, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. They spent the afternoon in each others arms, cuddling, sharing stories and kisses.

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