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sooooo I was to lazy to add more to the first one so I'm just gonna do this I recommend you to read this so you know what's going on....okay so here we go

Name: Daniel
Lives in: London
Fav food: candy,pasta,ice cream, soup, juice, iced tea, hot cocoa, marshmallows, chocolate, strawberries, and cherries oh and iced coffee
fav things: rock music, playing guitar, dancing, love, the beach, the sun, his car, summer, traveling, blue, red, black, surfing, tv
Pets: no pets
Status: single, goes to London University studying to be a
personality in four words: outgoing, fun, funny, dirty
Best friends: Katrina and Joe (picture up top the first one)

Name: Joe
Age: 23
Lives in: London
Fav food: Oreos and same as Daniel
fav things: rock music, tv, drums, bed, love, creepy pasta, winter, red, black, neon green, his car, video games, insanity, home,blood
pets: 2, Bengal kitten named Mystery, and a teacup yorkie named Oreo
Status: single, goes to London University studying to be a lawyer
Personality in four words: shy, emo, loving, funny
Beatfriends: Katrina and Daniel

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