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okay if you heard justinxhalsey the feeling it perfectly suits malum and its so cute. i also suck very much and this was so delayed. if i take more than a week to update feel free to blow up my notifications.

also don't forget to comment !!

and the outfit above is what I believe I was describing in the story (:

dedication: basorexic

mikes pov

i've met some pretty strong people in my life. by strong i mean the ones who are able to make everything seem okay after they've been through hell.

the ones that are able to look their demon in the eyes after what they've been through.

some people don't make it to that point.

but the ones that have, hell, they can fight an army.

i feel like calum is one of them. by the looks of it he seems like a tortured soul. the way his brown eyes gaze off and are filled with wonder.
wondering of a different life, maybe.

thoughts of him filled my head as i walked up the metal railing to where he told me to meet him. he didn't say why, he just texted me a location and told me to come.

i tightened my jacket around me as the wind blew and send shivers down my spine.

why on earth would he text me to come here at 3 am?

then again a better question would be 1) why am i upset this late and 2) why i came out here.

i finally reached the top and saw him sitting on the edge with his feet dangling. i slowly went over to him, being careful not to startle him.

however, it seemed that he already sensed me near him.

"I didn't think you'd come. You don't have your 'read' receipts on so I didn't know if you got it." he spoke with his back still facing me.

i chuckled and took a seat next to him. "It's so Ashton doesn't know I ignore him."

he scoffed a bit and nodded, "I'd ignore him too."

i nudged him gently, "Hey, he doesn't make you do his assignments."

he pulled up his hood and nodded. "Mike, I have a question."

i readjusted how i was sitting and tucked my hands under my legs, "Go for it."

"Do you really like me?" he asked, his eyes still avoiding mine.

i looked away from him before answering."I thought I answered this before."

he furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips. "This is different. Do you like me or the... the feeling of me?"

"Am I in love with you or am I in love with the feeling?" i hummed out.

"No quoting song lyrics. Plus you don't love me you love the thought of me."

"You have also told me this a thousand times." i countered.

"Just saying."

a long pause took place before i broke the silence, "Have you been taking your meds?"

he groaned. "I already have Luke on my ass about this and now you?"

"I'm just asking." i said, maintaining the same tone of voice.

"No, I haven't been." he answered honestly.

"I thought you said you'd start taking them." i questioned as i looked back at him.

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