When the Wind Speaks

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The crisp autumn air picked up her curls and tossed them gently around her shoulders. She walked persistently over the cracking leaves, yearning to get home and out of the crisp, fall chill. Smartly outfitted in designer everything, she looked out of place in the quiet little town.

Memories echoed in her head. " Cat, you're going to get in trouble. Don't let your curiosity get the best of you!"

She hit something with her foot and was pulled out of the nostalgia. She had knocked a sign over. As Cat knelt to pick it up she saw beautifully painted roses adorning the edges. Follow the path to the enchanted garden, read the sign. She dropped it and turned. A cobblestone path ran to her right, between two quaint houses. The girl stood back up and followed it. Some strange instinct pulled her forward and the memories surfaced again. " Don't go in there, Cat. It could be dangerous!"

She stepped into the garden, closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh air. Suddenly, bitter coldness flooded her nostrils and she choked, shocked by the sudden temperature change. Her eyes burst open and she took in the new scenery. The houses were gone, the garden was gone, and enormous spruces covered in frost rose around her, ones which blocked out most of the sunlight

A cold wind blew down the back of her neck and spoke in her ear. " Didn't you know? Curiosity killed the cat."

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