47. Free...to Die?

Start from the beginning

"It is of whom I spoke," Galadriel's voice murmured in Haldir's mind. "They are part of Aragorn's Fellowship. Do not harm them."

Haldir masked his urge to frown. "Why would I harm them?"

Galadriel didn't answer.

Haldir resisted his desire to sigh and nodded for his brothers to follow as he trotted to the fallen pair. Legolas, he knew immediately, and motioned for Orophin and Rùmil to lift the badly-injured prince of Mirkwood.

Haldir knelt beside the smaller, feminine figure and pulled her hair away from her face. A jolt of recognition shot through Haldir, and he subtly glanced up at his brothers. Thankfully, their attention was on Legolas. Haldir dropped the hair over Amariel's face again.

"Take him to the healers," Haldir said. "I will follow shortly."

Orophin and Rùmil nodded, and carried Legolas deeper into Lothlòrien.

Haldir finally let his hands clench. "Could you not have sent someone else?"

"I could have," Galadriel responded gently. "But if you are ever to forget, you must first forgive."

"What if Rùmil had seen her?" Haldir argued angrily.

"Rùmil must learn to accept the truth and carry on in life, as you must."

Haldir glared down at the person he hated the most in Arda. "It would be a mercy for me to kill her now. Prevent others the pain."

"Stay your hand, marchwarden," Galadriel ordered, her voice deadly serious. "Take her to the healers, as I have commanded."

Haldir hesitantly pulled Amariel up into his arms, wincing at her weight, but knowing she should be heavier. The girl was all skin, bones, muscle, and grime. Then he started after his brothers. "As my Lady commands."

* * *

I awoke to a soft bed, eerie music, and pain.

Groaning, I tried to sit up, but a firm pair of hands held my shoulders down. "Easy," he said gently. "Calm down, Eda."

I knew that voice. Knew, and trusted. Slowly, I forced my heavy eyelids open. Aragorn sat beside me, his face lined with grief and worry.

"Aragorn!" I cried. I grabbed his hand and squeezed, the closest thing to a hug that I could manage.

He squeezed my hand and tenderly brushed some hair back from my face. "Eda," he said, his voice breaking. "If I'd known you survived that fall, I never would've left you, I would've—" he choked off, tears visible in his eyes.

"Shh," I whispered, rubbing my thumb over his fingers. "I'm not really sure how we survived, either." My eyes widened, and I looked at Aragorn urgently. "Where is Legolas?"

"In the next flet," he replied quietly. "He's alright; he's healing quickly under Elvish medicine."

"Can I see him?" I demanded, struggling again to sit up.

Aragorn gave a soft, melancholy chuckle. "No, Eda. You're stuck in bed here, and he's stuck in bed there. Not much that can be done, except wait."

I sighed and sank into the pillows once more. The eerie music rang out with a chilling chord, sending a tremor through me. I didn't remember the music being this creepy.

I met Aragorn's sad gaze. "How is everyone else? What happened after we separated?"

Aragorn closed his eyes, and his jaw flexed. "Gandalf—he fought the balrog. We thought he'd won...but then he fell."

Tears sprang into my eyes. Gandalf, gone? No, surely some mistake had been made. After all, look what had happened with Legolas and me! Gandalf was probably wandering in that blasted catacomb, without a Foragar to lead him—

"Eda." Aragorn's voice was thick with grief, cutting through my denial. "He's gone."

Aragorn carefully pulled me into a hug, and we cried together.

At length, Aragorn sniffed and pulled back. "I'm sorry. I must go."

I caught his sleeve. "Why?" I demanded, fear creeping into my tone. I didn't want to be alone—not wounded, not here.

Aragorn paused, searching my eyes. His hand came up and rubbed mine. "You're safe in Lothlòrien," he said.

I looked away. If only.

Aragorn sighed. "You've been here before, haven't you?"

I nodded mutely. That explained everything, didn't it? Mordor, what had my life turned into?

"Who was it?" Aragorn asked.

I swallowed. "Please, you know I don't like questions." When he just raised a single eyebrow, I added, "What does it matter, anyway?"

Aragorn gave a dry scoff. "It matters very much. At least assure me it wasn't Lord Celeborn."

I slapped him across the cheek left-handed. Aragorn blinked, his expression surprised. "Rest assured," I growled. "To my knowledge, I have never entertained any married person of any race. Nor do I intend to."

Aragorn was quiet for a moment, his expression apologetic. Then he said, "I am sorry, Eda. I was teasing—but I should not have teased you that way. Please forgive me."

I sighed and looked away. "Of course I forgive you," I mumbled. Eru, it was hard to stay mad at someone as nice as Aragorn.

He gave me one final hug, then stood. "Should you be in danger, Legolas is in the next flet. But, whatever you do, don't jump out the window. We're in a mallorn tree." He flashed a grin. "But you'd probably survive, anyway."

I scoffed, giving him a reluctant smile in return. "Let's not find out."

He opened the door and left the room, but as he closed the door behind him, I caught a glimpse of someone. Someone I really didn't want to see.

I fell back on the pillows and closed my eyes, forcing long, deep breaths and trying to calm my runaway heartbeat. I listened to Aragorn's footsteps fade away, knowing all too well what would happen when he was gone.

Sure enough, just moments after Aragorn's steps faded from my hearing, I heard my door creak softly.

I trained my face into serenity and maintained my slow breathing rate as he entered the room. To almost all, his footfalls would seem silent. But I had learned what to listen for. And some things aren't as easily forgotten as I would've liked.

"End this charade immediately, Amariel. I know you do not sleep."

I didn't respond. I wouldn't respond. Because I knew the moment I acknowledged Haldir's presence, he would give me what I deserved. Or, rather, part of what I deserved. An ellon of his standing would never deliver the thrashing I ought to receive, nonetheless get away with it.

The song of metal ringing on metal chilled me to the core. Haldir was drawing his sword. But still I refused to open my eyes, to react at all. He was using the sound to intimidate me, but I knew Haldir. He checked his blade for damage so frequently, it was nearly obsessive. This was a bluff. It had to be.

Haldir gave a low, cunning chuckle. "Come now, Amariel, you need not be frightened. I merely desire to speak with you."

I focused on my breathing. Long, smooth inhale. Long, smooth exhale.

Haldir sheathed his sword, none too quietly. I almost flinched. "Will you refuse to even acknowledge my presence?"

I didn't answer. But inside, my mind was screaming coward! Yes. I was a coward. But sometimes brave and smart don't coexist.

"Very well," Haldir said, his tone bitter. "But I will speak to you, Amariel. If not now, then another time." And he strode out, the door creaking softly as he closed it behind him.

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