15. Late-Night Spelunking

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With my belly full of warm Elvish food, my wet hair combed back, and my wounds freshly dressed and bandaged, I pulled on the nightgown the maids had left for me and collapsed into the plush bed. My dagger was stashed away under my pillows, and my swords were propped up against the wall beside the bed-all within easy reach, just in case.

I closed my eyes and sighed blissfully. Life was good.

I couldn't tell if a minute had passed, or an hour, but a noise outside my door made my eyes snap open. It wasn't a loud noise; it was hushed. And that's what worried me. I snagged my knife and hid it in the sleeve of my nightgown-not ideal, but it would have to do. Then I silently lifted my swords and slipped out of bed.

My door swung open, and a bowman burst in. His face was shrouded with shadows and his long, dark hair, but his eyes glinted in the low light. They found me, and in one smooth movement, he lifted his bow. Took aim, and fired at me.

With some crazy burst of reflex, I brought my swords up. Scissored the arrow in half before it could touch me. Where had that come from? But I didn't have time for that. The man was already aiming at me again.

I dropped and rolled toward him. He fired over my head. I came back up onto my feet within sword range, and attacked.

He tossed aside his bow and drew a sword of his own. Our blades clashed. It took both of mine to ward off his, and it wasn't long before I was losing ground.

I could barely move my legs because of the blasted nightgown, and my height was a major disadvantage. I was pretty much limited to swinging at Daddy Longlegs' shins. He, on the other hand, was the perfect height for beheading me.

I blocked two rapid-fire attacks, feigned an attack of my own, then jumped onto the edge of the bathtub. Whoa! Slippery! I barely balanced in time to block another swing. His next advance, though, knocked me backwards. I stepped back onto the opposite edge. Lost my balance. Fell.

The ellon easily vaulted over the bathtub, closing the distance between us. I leaped up, barely noticing the pain in my leg. But the ellon quickly knocked one of my swords away.

Mordor. That wasn't good.

I attacked with a new urgency, trying to figure out how to get my dagger out where I could put it to use. The ellon easily parried my swings and stabs, finally knocking my other sword away. Then he stopped. "Where is your captive?" he growled.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I backed away until my shoulders bumped the wall. Then I slipped my hands behind my back and began feverishly working to get my dagger out. The handle kept getting caught on the ribbons and lace. I would have to rip it out...but at the right time.

The ellon closed the space between us. Placing his sword at my throat, he growled, "Don't play games with me. I followed a blood trail."

I ripped the knife free and pressed the tip to his stomach. "Yield." There might've been a touch of smugness in my tone. Just a touch.

Surprise showed in the ellon's dark eyes, but he lowered his sword.

"Who are you?" I exclaimed.

"Elladan Elrondion," he replied, a defensive edge to his voice. "Who are you?"

It took me a moment to process. Then I started laughing. You know how it is; something not funny strikes you in a certain way at the right time and it's hysterical. Lowering my knife, I said between giggles, "I'm Eda!"

"Eda?" he exclaimed. "Meaning the Eda that disappeared for ten years without a trace or a reason why?"

"Yes!" I tossed my dagger onto my bed and threw my arms around Elladan's neck. Sweet Lòthlòrien, somebody's gotten their nose out of a book and muscled up. Pulling him down to my height so that I could whisper in his ear, I said, "What are you doing in my bedchambers, Elrondion?"

He tensed and pulled away. "I told you. I followed a blood trail. ...?"

"Oh." I gave a dismissive gesture. "That was me. My foot," I clarified.

"Oh." He frowned.

"Oh," I repeated with a smile.

Elladan cleared his throat and sheathed his sword. "Forgive me, Eda. I did not mean to intrude."

I gave a little bow. "You are forgiven." As he stooped to pick up his longbow, I added, "Visit me again sometime."

Elladan gave me a disapproving frown, then he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

I gazed after him, a little smile playing on my lips. I wondered if Elrond foresaw our little exchange. He probably had.

Poor Elrond.

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