"Jean." Reyna said.

"I don't care if he's a god. You shouldn't be here. Not with him." Jeanine said.


"Can you please just take my order?" Reyna begged.

"Fine." Jeanine said. "Burger for you. And-" Jeanine eyes trailed up and down Aether and she raised an eyebrow.

"Burger." Aether said.

"Drink." Jeanine asked.

"Water." They jinxed.

"Whatever." Jeanine said. She gave Aether one last threatening look before she smiled to Reyna and walked to the kitchen.

"What-" Aether said. "What did I do?"

Reyna gave him a flat look.

"To her! What did I do to her?"

Reyna gave him the same flat look and raised her eyebrow.

"You told her?" Aether asked.

"What do you want me to do Aether?" Reyna said. "I had to tell my sister I wasn't getting married."

"What I want is for you to come back to me." Aether said. "It was just an accident."

"What? Your mouth fell into hers?" Reyna said.

A few people started to look they're way.

"Accident is the wrong word. The truth is I don't know what happened!" Aether said.

"That's just it Aether. You don't." Reyna said. "And you're a god."

"Something tricked me! Reyna you have to believe me."

"I want to!" Reyna yelled. "But you're a primordial, Aether. I can't help but think you wanted her."

"Reyna. I want you!" Aether said.

"I can't do this." Reyna said as she walked out.

Aether stood up and waved his hand. Everything was frozen in place.

"Oh no you don't." Reyna said. "Not this time." She waved her hand and everything moved as it should.

Aether ran outside to after Reyna, leaving the restaurant behind.

"Reyna please." Aether begged. "Can I just show you something?"

"What?" Reyna asked.

"It's in my house." Aether said. "We have to take a flight."

Reyna looked at him incredulously and Aether just gave her a grin. She gave out a small laugh under her breath.

"Alright." Reyna mumbled. "Don't drop me."

Aether room her by the waist as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"Count to ten?" Aether offered.

"Hurry up and fly, Aether." Reyna said turning his joke down.

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