Chapter 1. 'We didn't know another way'

Start from the beginning

'Are you serious? Those guys look exactly as the type of guy you are looking for. I never thought they would exist, but there they are. Two beautiful specimens at that!' she said out loud. You pushed her down on her chair, hoping that she would quit shouting.

'Shhh! Not so loud! They might hear you' you warned her with a glare.

She shrugged. 'I don't think they would mind seeing as they stared at you all ni- Oh, now, did that really happen?' she said. Katie was clearly caught up in something. When you followed her eyes you could see why.

The bald men had taken a hold of the other men's hand. 'Are they a thing then?' Katie wondered out loud. She shrugged again and clapped you on your shoulders. 'That only means more fun in the bedroom. They can show you the ropes before you have to do anything' she said happily.

You let your head fall down on the bar. What had made you choose Katie as a friend? 'I am going home' you announced, leaving Katie there with an open mouth. She grabbed another shot from the bartender before she followed you outside.

'(Y/N)! You can't do that when this may be your only chance of losing your virginity in like... ever!' Katie said. Her eyes were clearly unfocused but she meant well. She often confessed to you that she was truly worried for that to happen.

'I am 20 Katie, I am sure I will be fine. And otherwise I can already see myself as a 96 year old lying on my death bed. And then, when a beautiful male nurse comes up to me and he wants to claim me,' you stopped for dramatical effect 'my heart monitor suddenly produces only one tone and I will die as a virgin. Case closed.'

You smiled at your friend and continued your way to her car. Katie sighed heavily and ran after you. 'I can't believe that you would be satisfied with that.' She dropped her keys on the ground in shock. 'That means that you will never know what an orgasm is!' She grabbed you by your shoulders. 'Let me help you!'

You pushed her away. 'You clearly drank too much, give me those keys' you ordered. She reluctantly handed them to you.

Katie stayed behind as you walked to the driver's side of the car and opened the door. '(Y/N)! I told you!' she suddenly cried. You looked behind to see what she was so excited about and your heart stopped beating for a moment.

The two men form the bar came walking your way. 'Katie, don't be silly. Maybe they just want to go home as well. Just get in the car' you said. Of course she wouldn't listen to you. She was waving at them instead. They didn't respond but still came closer.

Those poor men probably only wanted to go home after a long day. 'Katie, come on' you said, grabbing her arm and trying to push her towards the car. She could be so stubborn sometimes. 'Good night ladies' someone said in a low, baritone voice. It send shivers down your spine.

You turned your head to find the two men standing behind you. They didn't continue on their way, they just stood there and looked at you. The dark haired men stood closer then the bald one. 'Hello! I am Katie and this is my fried (y/n)! Have you met her before? No! Let's shake hands then!' Katie said excitedly.

Honestly, your friend register desperately needed an upgrade. The dark haired on offered you his hand, you shook it. He was strong but was clearly trying not to squeeze your hand with his. 'Thorin. This is Dwalin' he said, looking back at the bold men.

Why was his voice doing that to you? If he could just say one more thing you could die a happy woman. 'Aye, we were wondering how you are doing tonight' Dwalin stated more then he asked.

You were taken aback by this. Were they really talking to you? Those drop-dead-beautiful men. No word left your mouth.

'We are doing wonderfully! You know what could really brighten my night? If one of you would take me home' Katie suggested seductively. At least she tried to be. It was hard to be seductive when you have had too many shots for one night.

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