Sometimes I Hate The World

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A/N Made some decent covers with my sister @AlmondSavoy. In fact, she's actually writing this. Go check out her One Direction fan fictions which are so much superior to my non-existant fan fictions yay. Keep reading this story, I love my sister. K, BYE.


Its funny how life can change overnight. You go along thinking how boring life is and how its never going to change and how you hate everyone....blah blah blah... right?

And my life did change. You See 6 months ago I was in high school and i was pulled out of Science and told that my parents had died in a car crash. My life was shattered into a million pieces. So slowly I had to pick the pieces up and put them back together, they were all there except for the parent piece. I was distraught I didn't eat or sleep, I just cried. Th memorial service was the hardest thing I've ever had to do In my life. I really hated everyone and I didnt want help. I didnt have any where to go so I ended up living at a social workers flat near Chelsea Harbour. She pretended to be nice but I could see i was just a burden and  how much of a nuisance I was. I have to admit that i thought about suicide. I must have planned it in my head a million times and I just couldnt bring myself to do it. Some how I was still holding onto my little silver lining that someone was going to rescue me. Maybe some long lost relative. After 3 months I realised how stupid and pathetic I was being so I became closed off. I stopped talking to my friends at school and became a loner. I went back to living in the world in my head where I was happy.

Alissa, my social worker was looking through records for my relatives. In the 6 months I had been with her she had found none. She'd become increasingly annoyed with me.

So she sat me down this morning and she said the words that I had been dreading for the last 3 months. 


"Yeah..." I said in my monotone voice that I always used when I spoke to her.

"I'm going to have to find a foster home for you. lets face it this isnt working out for either of us and you have no relatives that I can find. So I've applied to the Social service and they should get back to us at the end of the month."  She said this very quickly. 

Why Me. That was my first thought. I wanted to scream and cry and break everything. I felt trapped because deep down I knew that this was it. There was my last hope and it was gone. I felt my stomach twist.

"By the end of the month?" I whispered.

"Yes, sweetie." She got up and left.

I hated her voice. It was that sickly sweet fake American accented voice that at least one of your friends has. It clashed horribly with her british accent and made her sound like she had a speech defect. She liked to call everything sweetie or honey and had a habit of giggling in serious situations. She was 40 years old but looked 35 due to excessive amounts of makeup . She had a boyfriend a week and didnt really care for anyone except herself and occasionally me. She'd finally had enough of my constant moping.

I needed help and fast. But where could I find it. My mother had lots of friends none of them very close and most of them fake. They were recent friends, not people she'd known her whole life so they wouldn't know of anyone related to me and they wouldnt want me to live with them.

My father on the other hand did have one friend... but that was a crazy idea. He lived in Canada and he wouldnt want to look after me. Maybe though just maybe If I could contact him he might be able to help out. Foster parents were not an option. It was real parents or nothing. Unfortunately I was only 16 and not old enough to live by myself. But this man my fathers friend must be able to help. He had to know something. Anything. So All I had to do was find him.

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