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Lucy's P.O.V

We started walking out, and I was the moving truck. I caught a glimpse three people carrying boxes out of the truck. They all had white hair. One of the people noticed me and waved their hand. I waved back.

"You said their was only one person Natsu?" I poked him on the cheek when I saw that he wasn't listening.

"D-did you say something?" Natsu was staring at one of them. She had short white hair.

"Natsu, you didn't hear me?" I asked.

"No. I was looking at Lisanna." Lisanna? Wow. BIG step.


"W-w-well. I kinda, maybe, have a crush on her."


"What? L-L-Lisanna?"

"Yeah. She's beautiful."

Thoughts came rushing into my head. Lisanna? Natsu? I thought... I thought...

"Oh. I uh, I'm just gonna go inside."

I ran into my room. I collapsed on the floor, slightly sobbing. The sobbing started to turn into cries. I fell onto my bed wondering why I even liked, no LOVED, Natsu.

My life's in pieces. Broken, shattered, smashed, fragile pieces.

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