Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 13

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So this chapter was really hard for me to write.  I just recently lost my grandmother and writing this just brought back all the memories of her and how I wish she was here.  So if you're wearing makeup while reading this chapter, I apologize.  So here's chapter 13 and I hope you guys let me know what you think.  We miss you Rev <3


**December 28, 2009**

Today was a pretty good, or well it was starting out to be.  The guys had finished up tour and now were trying to figure out songs for their new album 'Nightmare'.  Some of the songs that they had written out so far were sounding great.  

One song that was so interesting to pretty much everyone right now was The Rev's song  'Fiction'.  He showed up the other day and laid this genius and beautiful piano piece.  Once he was done with that he laid down so vocals that were a little dark, but had such an interesting meaning to them.  I think it's going to be my one of my favorites on that record.

Me and Zack were sitting down at MY house.  Yes I finally moved out and got my own house. But you know what it the funny part is, Zack bought the house next door to me.  I guess we'll be neighbors forever, or at least until we get married.  We had popped in one of the Saw movies which made me pretty much hide underneath Zack's arm.

"*chuckles* Cami it's not that scary."

"Like hell it isn't.  You know I don't like horror movies." It's funny since all the guys LOVE horror movies and here I was scared shitless by them.  I literally couldn't sleep for a few nigh after watching the 'Exorcism of Emily Rose'.  

The movie finished about an hour later and thank god it had.  I don't know how much more of it I could have taken.  

"Seize the day or die regretting it…" I heard Matt's ringtone go off on my phone.  Hmm I wonder if he wanted us to go finish up some songs?

"Yello?" I heard Matt sniffling which is never good a sign.  Matt hardly ever gets sick, so I wonder what's up.  "Matt what's wrong?" I was starting to get worried and I felt Zack walk up next to me, I guess seeing the worried look on my face.

"Cami… It's Jimmy."  Oh my god what happened to Jimmy?  Please let him be ok. "Cami… Jimmy, he uh *sniff sniff*… passed away."  

I dropped my phone.  What?! No Jimmy couldn't be dead, he couldn't! I saw him three days ago!  I couldn't help myself so I just slumped down on the floor.  This has to be a dream, it just has to be.

"Matt what's wrong dude? What? No he can't be! No!" 

I couldn't help the tears flowing out.  Jimmy couldn't have died.  He was strong and happy and had the best life.  Why Jimmy why?! The next thing I know Zack pulled me into his lap and we just sat there crying.  Losing both my grandmothers years ago was one thing, but losing a best friend and brother was another.

"Zack he can't be gone, he just can't."  I started crying again and Zack started rubbing my back while we just sat there on the floor.

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