Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 12

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**April 2008**

So we've been on tour for almost a year now.  It's crazy how time flies when you're having fun.  The guys' album has been selling like hot cakes! We keep checking the numbers almost every week and they just keep getting higher and higher. We hoped that it would do as well, or even better, than 'City of Evil' which went gold.

We were in Long Beach tonight and the guys and Larry decided a couple of weeks ago that they wanted to film the concert for a DVD.  It was a brilliant idea since most of their fans were so far away and not able to see them in concert. This way they can watch the DVD and get a feel of actually being at an Avenged Sevenfold concert.

The show started off with 'Critical Acclaim' and I thought the people in the place were going to jump on stage if security wasn't there.  Me and Val were standing off the side of the stage watching our men work their magic on the crowd.  It was like everyone was under their spell.  

The show was going great.  Syn had a few flops in 'Beast and the Harlot', but otherwise it was a kick ass show.  They finished up with 'Unholy Conressions' and ran off the stage grabbing towels from me, Val, and the Berry's.  A video clip started up of the guys in a hot tub wanting them to play another song.  

Before Zacky walked back on stage, I straightened out his bow tie, gave him a kiss, and told him to knock 'em dead.  He gave me a quick peck before walking on stage and playing 'A Little Piece of Heaven'.  One thing I love about Zacky wasn't just his guitar skills, but his great singing voice.  It makes my knees go weak when I hear him harmonizing with Matt. 

The guys finished the show and ran off the stage with the biggest grins plastered on their faces.  The guys came towards us wanting a hug.

"Zack you're all sweaty! *giggles*" But neither of us really cared.  

"I need a shower.  Care to join me?"  A slight blushed creeped on my face but I wasn't too sure if that's what I really wanted.  

"Maybe later.  But man *waves hand over nose* you really are starting to smell Zachary Baker. *giggles*".  Oh the things this man does to me.  

"Fine I guess I'll shower alone then." He gave me the puppy dog eyes look.  Oh no Cami don't give in to the eyes! And success I don't!

"I'll shower with you Zacky!" Jimmy said bouncing over and giving him a big bear hug.

"Uh you know Jim, I think I'll be fine." We all started laughing then joined everyone backstage.  

It already seemed that Matt had gotten his shower since he was now glued to his video game setup.  I couldn't find Syn so I guess he was the one singing in the shower.  Seriously the man should not sing when buzzed or drunk.  Now when Syn is sober, then he can carry a tune, but with lots of alcohol, eh..

After about an hour, everyone was now clean and ready to go.  Well mostly everyone.  Matt was still stationed in front of the TV playing Call of Duty or one of those XBOX Live games - it's hard to keep track these days. We literally had to shut off the TV to get Matt on the bus. It didn't really end well, actually I got pummeled to the ground (but I wasn't hurt, trust me) by him because I turned off his game.  

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