30 < a happy family

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Authors note - I hope you love the pic above. I took a while to find a good baby pic to play as Skye. Don't worry OutlawQueen fans, their happy ending is coming soon. And I'm bringing a new character. Hope u enjoy.

Emma joined chat

Killian joined chat

Killian  - I haven't been able to sleep have you

Emma - yay, I have been able to sleep

Killian - really

Emma - yay, I can totally sleep with all the baby cries from little Skye (note the sarcasm)

Killian - I get it love

Emma - and it all your fault

Killian - how is it my fault

Emma - if your fault of how she was born

Killian - care to enlighten me then

Emma - well we where both drunk

Killian - and

Emma - and we went to your ship

Killian - and

Emma - and we had....

Storybrook Squad joined chat

Henry - please stop we are to young

Ladan - yeah man your nasty

Haley - how is little Skye doing

Emma - good

Jack - that's good to hear

Killian - expected for the part went she cries 24/7

Grace - oh

Regina joined chat

Robin joined chat

Regina - hello peasants

Haley - looks who in a good mood today

Robin - it's the pregnancy hormones. Don't mind her.

Regina - hey I herd that or well in our case read that

Cora joined chat

Cora - she gets her grumpy mood from me

Regina - mother how are you alive

Cora - what I don't get a hi or how are u doing

Regina - no u get a how are u alive

Ladan - this is the "scary" Cora

Cora - u want to see scary

Haley - no

Jack and Ladan - he🤑l yeah

Cora - sends them to Neverland That'll show them scary

Henry - my squad. bit🤑h what the fu🤑k u do to my squad

Regina - Henry language

Henry - 🙄

Regina - don't roll your eyes at me

Emma - Anyway, Cora bring them back

Cora - not till you tell me one thing

Killian - and what is that

Cora - who is pregnant

Regina - I'm


Robin - me

Cora - can to enlighten me on who you are

Robin - Robin Hood at your service

Haley - that was not necessary Robin

Cora - the thief

Regina - the "thief" has a name

Cora - his name is

Haley - his name is Robin

Cora - you can't be pregnant with his baby


Cora - What. Did. You. Call. Me.

Haley - You heard me right Old. Bat. Lady.😡

Cora - 😡

Haley - 😡

Cora - 😤

Regina - enough of this foolishness nonsense,mother please bring Ladan and Jack back

Cora - 🙄 fine poofs Ladan and Jack here

Ladan - Neverland is awesome

Jack - no it wasn't

Killian - it was 😦

Ladan - yup, it was

Jack - well they were about to send us back here

Emma - why

Jack - they were afraid Ladan was going to take over

Cora - I wish she was my daughter

Ladan - well I don't u crazy old bat lady

Cora - why does everyone call me a old bat lady

Emma - any way 🙄,so back to the reason why we started this chat

Cora - and that is

Killian - our little daughter Skye

Cora - haha☝you of all people have a daughter. HAHAHAHAHA good one pirate

Killian - I'm not joking

Cora - With who. I mean, who would have a child with you

Killian - hey

Emma - me

Cora - the savior

Emma - yup

Cora - no no no this can't be happening

Emma - why

Cora - because Swan Queen is true love


Cora - how about you die

Haley and Ladan - CS and OQ shall live forever motherfu🤑kers

Cora - 😡😤

Grace - this took a wrong turn in the beginning

Henry - yup

Henry disabled chat

Authors note : sorry Swan Queen fans. I only ship them as friends. Like -

Captain Charming
Snow Queen
Evil Charming
Captain Cobra
Wooden Swan
Swan Queen

I ship those ships as friends. The ones I ship till my last breath cause they are true love -

Captain Swan
Outlaw Queen

Ones that I hate -

Swan Fire
Wicked Outlaw
Golden Heart

Sorry fans. But the ones I ship they are true love. They will win, TRUE LOVE ALWAYS WIN. Sorry fan girl moment. Anyway hope u enjoyed. Please vote, comment, and follow.

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