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Edited chat

Henry - hey guys look what I made

Belle- You mean 'WE' made. *Hey with a period at the end. Aren't you in school.

Henry- Yeah, yeah details details. Also I'm but I don't pay attention.

Regina- Henry Daniel Mills! You should pay attention in class ALWAYS. Or you will end up like your mother and father stealing things for a living with no real home.

Snow- Da@m. Shots fired. Lol.

Emma- Hey. 😡

Regina- Oh please Miss Swan that can't be the most rudest thing I have said to you.

Emma- Sadly that is true.

David- So, what's this.

Belle and Henry - A CHATROOM!

Bella- Dumba@s.

Gold- How rude. Look at my little princess of darkness.

Killian- djsmdjsjhrgjzke

Emma- Press the mic button Killian.

Killian - Thanks it's hard to write with one hand. Especially with a TINY little screen.

Emma- Your welcome😘

Killian - 😘

David- Gah.

Regina - yuck

Emma- And I know they are so small.

Henry- You wanna know what's not small. 😏

Regina- HENRY!!!

Emma- HENRY!!! Where did you learn that inappropriate joke.

Henry- Hook.

Robin - Anyway. To ignore this thick tension. What is this "CHATROOM"

Belle- It's when we talk to other people without talking to them face to face.

Everybody but Belle, Henry, Emma - Oh.

Gold - I'm bored.

Killian- Because your not hurting innocent people?

Snow -  Da@n shots fired.

David- You want some cold water to apply to that burn.🔥

Gold- No I do not.

Henry - You guys are so boring.

Regina - Henry Daniel Mills don't talk to us like that.

Emma - Really you named him after your dead father AND dead fiancé. You have some real problems girl.

Regina -  Yes Ms.Swan you have a problem with that.

Emma - No and I'm not just saying that because you have a fire ball in your hand.

Snow - Well this went down quickly.

David - Yes yes it did, my little snow flake.

Belle - Well this CHATROOM is done.


Once Upon A Time Texting * Complete * $Under Editing$Where stories live. Discover now