Justin : I love you ,so much ...

Lacey : you have no idea how much I love you

Rosie's POV

I layed in bed trying to fall asleep but it was just to difficult .

Suddenly I got a phone call from Zayn and I stared at the phone for a while .i was so tempted to answer but I didn't because I was to scared .

What was I thinking !

The phone went of and I sighed .

"Ugh!"I shouted and then it rang again .this had to be important .

Rosie : hello

Zayn : hey

Rosie : what's up?

Zayn: can you please tell me one thing because it is dwelling on my mind .

Rosie : okay ...

Zayn : do you think that Mr Hemmings and you will ever hook up .

Rosie : what the fuck , Zayn ? Why would you ask me that ? He is hot and all but his a teacher .

Zayn :please don't be mad , I just needed to know for some reason I feel uncomfortably with you making out with a teacher .

Rosie : well it's my choice if I want to after all you are only my friend .

Zayn : that's exactly it , I am only your friend and I want to make sure you're safe .

Rosie : just leave it okay ?

Zayn : but ro-

Rosie : no Zayn , in sorry but I have to go

I quickly put down the phone before he could say anything.He is jealous .

It made me feel good but then there was guilt because it sounded like he was scared of me hooking up with Mr Hemmings which wouldn't be bad because he is fucking hot .

I layed on my bed and decided to go through Instagram .

Suddenly Zayn started liking all my pictures and commenting on it .

One comment in specific said :

Beautiful , stay that way.

Did he mean to stay like this? Clean from Ne Hemmings lips ?

I didn't know what was going on with Zayn but whatever it is should wait because I'm really tired and in going to sleep


Anna 's POV


The alarm went of and I just groaned . I reached for my phone but it wasn't there .

Mathew I remembered it got taken away from me . I sighed and just dug my head under the pillow .

"ANNA WAKE UP!"my dad shouted and I just sighed .

"I don't want to go to school today !"I shouted not wanting to face my friends .i know it's normal to be grounded but I'm just scared they will laugh at what happened .

"Anna !"he shouted and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't feel well"I then lied .

"Fine ..."he gave in and I laughed.

I suddenly thought about Rosie and how she was doing.

My mom walked in with a warm smile on her face .

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