The Amulet

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(S/n)-Sister name. (If you don't have on then make up a name.

(Y/n) P.O.V
A new place to call "home." Oh boy. My family wanted to explore the world,and instead of a vacation we live here in Reverse Falls. From the summer to the rest of my life probably. Start a new. I have an older sister who bothers and annoys me everyday, but really, who doesn't have that kind of bond.

It's just us the three living here: Me, my sister and our mom.

The drive was long so of course music was my best friend. I was daydreaming, till my sister took out my headphone.

"What?" I growled a bit.

"Geez sorry. We're here, help mom with the boxes." She responds.

I step out of the car and take a big stretch before helping.

"Thanks girls. Just put them in the house, we'll put them away later. Hungry?" My mom says. We nod in response.

"Where are we going to eat?" I asked.

"I heard that there is a great place to eat. It's a diner. You like diners don't you (y/n)?" My mom asked.

"Of course!" I say.

"Great then that's where we're going."

We parked the car and made our way to the diner. There were different townsfolk sitting in a booth or sitting on a high chair. I see a squirrel scurry across the floor to hide.

"Mom I'm not hungry anymore. I kinda lost my appetite from looking at this diner." (S/n) whispered to mom.

"Be nice. This may not look much but what if there food is good." Mom responded

"Ya. I bet they only serve eggs and toenails." (S/n) chuckled a bit.

"You're not liking anything,but your phone. This is the best we got unless you want to eat dirt." Mom adds.

I couldn't help but snicker.

We sat down at a booth, and immediately a waitress comes by.

She's thin and has her hair tied up.

"Oh sorry about this mess a customer just left and we didn't get the time to clean it up." The waitress apologizes.

"It's totally fine." I smiled.

"Hey I don't think I've seen you folks. Almost everyone comes here but I never seen you." She asked as she picked up the plates.

"We just moved here!" My mom responds with a warm smile.

"Wow. I'm sure you'll like it here. Welcome to Reverse Falls. My name is Industrious Susan." She introduced herself as she puts down three menus. "I'll be back to take your order." She walks away with the dishes.

We looked over the menu and saw a variety of dishes.

After some time of looking through the menu, Industrious Susan comes back with a notepad. "Are you ready to order?" She asked.

"Yes. Can I have the egg omelet and orange juice. Please." Mom starts.

"Alright you darling?"

"I'll get egg and hash brown with apple juice." (S/n) said.

"Okay. What about you?" She asked me. "I'll get pancakes and hot cocoa."

"Alright coming right up." She smiles as she walked away.

After some time, the food came around and we dug in.

After we finished our food Susan came back with the check.

"I'll leave this here with you. There's no rush to pay!" Susan smiles as left the check and took the plates.

"I must have left my wallet in the car." Mom started to check her pockets to see if she had her wallet.

"Do you want me to get it?" I asked.

"Sure. Here's the keys." She hands me the keys.

As I walked out, I couldn't help but think about how this place is starting to become welcoming.

As I dosed off, I bumped into someone, causing something of theirs to fall.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I apologized as i picked up a turquoise amulet off the ground. As I picked it up, a burning sensation struck the palm of my hand. I grunted, dropping it again from the pain.

The tall cloaked figure picked it up from the ground with ease. A small glint in his eyes glanced down at me. I couldn't see his face properly from the hood of the cloak covering him.

"Thanks for the help." He speaks as he walked off. I couldn't help but stare from where I stood as his cloak swayed in the wind.

"No problem." I stare before I shook my head to snap out. I went to the car to search for her wallet. I grabbed  her wallet shut the door, locking it on the way back.

My left hand started to sting again so I checked my left hand. Then a gasp escaped my lips as I saw it...

What looks like a blue engraved burn on my bottom corner of my palm. My eyes widen as my breath started to shorten. My hand trembles as I stared down. I look back up immediately to see if the cloaked figure was still in sight...she lost the figure. I looked back down at it confused and frightened.

(Y/n) did her best to recollect so she could go back inside. Once she was inside, the cloaked figure peaked out from behind a tree as he watched her walk in. His eye was on her. His turquoise eyes studying her.

"Found you..." The cloaked figure smirks before disappearing once more behind the tree.

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