Writing Reflections

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We as writers share our imaginations with others, it doesn't matter what genre we write. There are no hard and fast rules to writing, well I don't think there is.

There is so much to read on here, and no, not everyone will like what you write, but that doesn't mean we stop writing. My writing experiences on here have been negative at times, and many times I have wanted to never write again and post anything on Wattpad, but I realised writing is what I like doing, so why should I stop, just to make a few people happy.

There are many genres on here that I won't read, but that doesn't mean I have the right to criticise or belittle someone because I don't like it...simple solution to that, go read something else. I have had the nasty comments, been called all sorts of stuff, I could give you a few examples... " you are a retard" "You need psychological help" and the classic "Go kill yourself" I write poetry, you would think with comments like this I must have written something so bad and offensive, but it was only poetry, dark poetry...

So we as writers on here shouldn't have to put up with this kind of bullshit, but it is still happening to a lot of people on here, it saddens me that people are so cruel. Words can hurt as well as heal...

I never called myself a writer/poet until I came here, and someone left a comment calling me a poet, I don't take myself that seriously, I don't spend hours on a poem, it just comes and I just write the words that appear in my mind.

This place is a little like school, and there are many groups, where it gives people a chance to interact with others, like minded people. Which can be a good thing, unless they block you so you can never join in.... Which personally doesn't bother me, I won't elaborate on this too much, I don't need a place to share my poetry, I do it perfectly well by myself.

These are just my thoughts, one is not obligated to agree. I stopped doing thought books because of a bad experience I had with someone on here, now wasn't that a mess and a half.

Just keep writing, no matter what people say, many may not like it, but there will always be someone who will

I, like a lot of people on here don't write for fortune or fame, we simply write because it is a part of who we are. A chance to purge ones soul...release ones demons, or simply because we just like writing.

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