Chapter Five: Burnt Popcorn and Fire

Start from the beginning

As she put on a sweater from Mackenzie's closet she heard the window behind her open, and her adrenaline rushed. She whipped around, and sitting in the window frame was none other than the turtle with the orange mask.

"M-Michelangelo?" Izzy whispered, clearly remembering the overly excited turtle.

He smirked "how ya doing?" He said copying izzys whisper, but not doing very well. Izzy peeked out the room door and shut it quietly before looking over at the turtle.

"What are doing here?" She asked, trying to keep in her udder disbelief. she kept on repeating 'why me? why did it have to be me?' in her head.

He shrugged and replied "I've never met a human before. I just thought you seemed really cool. You know, when you weren't freaking out." He said the last part a little quieter as he saw izzys raised eyebrow. "I just wanted to see you" he added with a smile before he sniffed the air and his smile grew wider.

"Is that popcorn?!" He said in an over excited whisper as he put a green foot in the room but izzy quickly pushed him back out. She shivered a bit from touching the cold front of his shell.

"No" she said almost as if instructing a dog. "Not now. Both my friends are downstairs and one of their parents are sleeping in the room across the hall."

"But I'm a ninja," Mikey protested "no will ever even know I'm there"

Izzy looked into Mikey's big clueless blue eyes and sighed before forcing a smile on her face." Mikey," she said "you're a really nice...turtle, but I need you to go back to your brothers, alright? And I'm also visiting tomorrow so you'll see me then"

At this he smiled and nodded. "Sure. I'll catch you on the flip side then, mystique" he was about to jump out the window when izzy stopped him.

"Wait, mystique?" She asked him dumbfounded.

"Yeah." He smiled brightly at her "you're all full of secrets. Me and my bros know nothing about you, and the shredder wants you for some reason. Your a mystery, and now you're mystique"

Before izzy could ask him more questions he fell backward out the window and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

Izzy blinked, still sort of shocked at what just happened. 'so I definitely didn't dream all that' she thought as she suddenly realized Mackenzie and sayuri were downstairs still waiting for her. She rushed down the stairs and into the open concept room.

In front of her was a huge couch with an even even bigger flat screen in front of it. To the right was the large kitchen and to her left was the dining room and entrance to the house. She walked through the darkness and to the side of the couch where sayuri sat looking bored. Mackenzie sat at the other end already passed out and snoring.

Izzy smiled and sat in between the two, reaching over and stealing a hand full of burnt popcorn from the coffee table in front. Sayuri looked over at her "what took you so long?" She asked while pressing play to the movie.

"I was abducted by aliens. Why?" Izzy said and reclined the couch. A chill ran up her spine as the movie opened. She had seen this movie many times already, but it still gave her the chills just thinking about it. "Want to go to the mall tomorrow?" She said trying to relax herself.

"Okay" sayuri answered with her eyes glued to the screen. Izzy shoved Mackenzie "Mack! We're going to the mall tomorrow."

Mackenzie grunted and yawned. She sat up and rubbed her eyes."hey," she said squinting in front of her. "Where did the popcorn go?"


"It looks beautiful on you!"

"It really brings out your eyes"

Izzy looked down at the price tag. "Nope." She said tossing the dress aside. She sighed and massaged her temples. "Why does every dress you make me try on have to be so expensive?"

"I told you," reassured Mackenzie "I'm paying. As the annoying guest in my house your money now has no value." She smiled at izzy and grabbed the dress from the pile. "We're buying it"

As the 3 left the store and back into the crowded halls of the mall,they now carried a few bags as well. they made there way toward the nearest booster juice. "I'm in the mood for a strawberry banana smoothie" said izzy.

"I don't like bananas" said sayuri quietly.

"I don't like your face!" Joked Mackenzie.

The three laughed, but izzy soon stopped. She held her head as a sharp pain shot through it. it pulsed in waves of pain, each one worst then the last. "Izzy?" Her friends asked as she fell to her knees. She cringed as her vision began to blurr. Her entire body now hurt, feeling almost as if it were on fire. It spread and seemed to consume her, she shook as she fell to side, gripping the smooth floor for something to hold. Never had she felt such pain in her life.

"Ahgg-" izzy moaned, but then it suddenly stopped just as quickly as it had started. She blinked, breathing heavily as she staggered back up and used the wall to balance herself. She still held her head, which now felt numb and dull. Her eyes darted around as Mackenzie and sayuri came to her side.

"Izzy, what happened?" Asked Mackenzie.

"Are you alright?" Asked sayuri.

Izzys breath was ragged "I-I'm fine" she said quietly, but the two kept questioning her. It made her head ache even more. She just wanted to be left in a quiet room. "Are you sure you're-"

"I'm fine! Now leave me alone!!" Yelled izzy. Her eyes were wild and her chest rose and sunk quickly. Her friends were shocked, and as izzy realized her tone she soon was too.

"I-I-I-" she stuttered but was cut off. "It's alright" comforted sayuri seeing izzys shocked expression. "You're probably just stressed out from last night is all"

Izzy wanted to beleive her, but she couldn't. She felt different somehow. It was a strange and unknown feeling to her, a tingling through her body, but as the rest of the day at the mall passed on uneventful the only thought on her mind was 'what happened to me?'

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