Chapter 5: the girl from another mode

Start from the beginning

"Whoa! Can you guys chill out. I mean it's just a splatfest." Carter said aloud

"Yeah no need to get salty already." Amethyst chimes in

"He started it."

"Pff whatever. I don't wanna put effort into defeating you, I'll save that for Splatfest. Come on Michael lets go to Rank."

"Yeah I'll see you then!...btw guys what's Rank battle?"

Carter and Amethyst stare at each other and both say:

"Your not ready for that yet"

"what? Oh c'mon guys I'm sure I'm more than ready."

"HA I've seen you before and you are...NOT." A girl with Fake Contacts, Black Inky Rider, & Moto Boots stepped up insulting Jared.

"And just who are you?" Jared questioned

"The name's non-of, as in non of your damn business!"

"Hey! You can't swear in inkopolis. That's against the rules here."

"I can do whatever the hell I want. And entering splatfest is my priority. Go team Milkshakes! You healthy fruity loops are going down!!!"

"I know who she is." Said Amethyst. "She's Dylan. A rank battle only player and uses the Mini Splatling well."

"You catch on fast. yeah that's me, you want a cookie for getting it right?"

"Wait you play rank battles only? Can I try one!!" Jared asked?

"But Jared your like..what level 2-3 or something, you can't do it yet."

"Don't be such a stick in the muddy river. He can just do private battle. They allow rank modes for any level. But it won't effect your rank. LAME!!!"


"Ughhhh fineeee but we're coming with you."

"Hold up we are?" Carter questioned with a shocked looked.

"Yeah!! We are. It'll be fun c'mon."

The 4 enter the lobby and pick their mode. Then Jared asks-

"Whoa!!! What's Splat Zones!? Tower Control looks cool! OOO RAINMAKER LOOKS BOSS!!! I CANT CHOOSE I LOVE THEM ALL!"

Amethyst slaps Jared.

"Calm down, we're doing Splat Zones ok? It's a game where you have to capture zones the longest to win. In rank modes we get 5 minutes instead of 3. The players you'll see will be much more competitive, fierce and have a thirst for no worries."

"Uhhh I'm starting to have second thoughts on-"

The battle starts on Bluefin Depot and its Jared & Carter vs Amethyst & Dylan. 3..2..1...GO!!! Jared starts shooting the ground instead of running to the zone like the others

"JARED! THE FLOOR DOESNT MATTER, REMEMBER!" Carter yelled to remind him

".............oh.....Alright, where's that zone thingy at I'll take it down! seriously where is it?"


"OH CRAP OK. So we just shot the square like this?"

"Then you die like this-"

Dylan splats Jared with a suction bomb. And it causes them to take control of the zone

"Oh man their already in control...crap and they have long range weapons, my roller is probably not good."

"I'm back, Carter lets-"

Amethyst snipes him and he gets splatted again

"Oh great....pick up the paste, Jared."

"A roller? Oh this'll be easy."

"That's what you think."

Carter tries to swim behind her but Amethyst snipes him too. The battle ends quickly and Team Amethyst wins without letting the zone get taken.

"Dang that could've gone better."

"It did go better. Well for us that is" Dylan said with a smirk and laid-back against a wall

"I want a rematch! That was totally unfair.."

"Fine fine we'll do it again but this time, I got Jared and Dylan gets Carter."

They proceed to fight again but this time in Port Mackerel. 3...2..1...GO!!!

"Let's go Amethyst!"

"I'm already ahead of you. I'll go for the second one over there."

"Wait some stages have 2? Huh who knew. Anyway here comes Carter. Gotta surprise him."

As Carter comes across, Jared pelts him with burst bombs and splats him.

"Yes! I got him! AND we're in control. Dylan must've got Amethyst. Wow she's pretty good."

Dylan manages to prevent Carter and Amethyst from coming near the zone and time runs out

"Woah she's more than good. she's AWESOME!"

"Man this ain't fair." Said Amethyst "she's a ranked battle player she's real good."

"Your the one who put us together though."

"I know but I changed my mind so let's have another rematch!"

"no way we won fair and square. Don't get salty, amethyst."

"Oh I'll show you salty, you-"

"Guys, she's gone." Carter said

"Aw man...where too?"

"She said, and I quote: man you guys are too easy, I carried both my teams and now my back hurts, I'm going back to rank battle so catch you guys on the flip side when you get a little better."

"Well isn't she a delight." Amethyst said sarcastically

"so the 3 of us are bad players?..."

"No Jared we're just somewhat beginners so we don't move as fast as everyone else."

" guys wanna do turf wars until we're level 10?"

"Sure I'm game."

"Me too. Let's kick it!"

"Until that day I'll be an even stronger inkling, able to take on everyone!"

As the 3 kid squids enter the lobby the old man with the captain's hat is seen again

"Hmm maybe those 3 have what it takes to save us."

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