Maka sighed against the bottle, letting it dog the lens. She was caught in the torturous bottle that held her whole life. She couldn't remember the time before she was in the prison. Her life was sucked into the glass that reflected the first around her. Maka already knew she was a disgrace, her father barely let her anywhere outside the bottle. Only times like this would he let her roam and now she couldn't. She had some hope that he would come back for her and realize the mistake he made, the one that kept her hip tied to the glass. Her eyes watered with tears the sizzled against her hot face. She couldn't even cry right, she couldn't do anything right. Maka curled up against the floor, letting her flame turn the green dress a molten red that flared along the bottle. The light that illuminated could be seen even by the far bystanders traveling along the trail. It didn't seem to matter anymore. Maka always had to be careful of what she did when she was around her father because he was the king, but now that she was exiled couldn't she have a moment of letting go? Her flame would lick the top of the cork bottle, even though it never burned. Maka had tried many times to free herself from the lonesome prison.

The silence of the afternoon held a refreshing sound against the princess's ears. She never experienced this in her home, always busy. But she was alone. The refreshing sound revoked against her stomach as she thought about her father never coming back. Never retrieving the lost princess that longed for someone, anyone. At the moment of lose there was always gain somewhere, right? So where was Maka's gain? She had lost so much from her life that she awaited to be perfect. She always wished to find happiness, of course she was happy, somewhat, when she was with her father. He at least cared enough to keep her alive this long. But she was suffering, so why keep her alive long enough to suffer more? It was unfair.

Maka's flame started to dim for the first time, she was losing health. It's been a few days since her father dropped her here, in the middle of nowhere. She entertained herself by watching pedestrians run along the trail, riding contraptions that moved on wheels and running for no apparent reason. It was interesting that people that looked like her father acted so different. Maka pressed her face against the glass trying to get a better view of a group of people that dragged along the trail. They seemed to have fun except for the boy with crimson eyes and white hair. The boy yelled at his group as they walked slower than him, encouraging them to go faster than a turtle. The boy with white hair seemed to be uptight and locked on the situation of walking faster. And yet, his eyes were tender and caring that held the reflection of the bottle, gazing at the contents inside that was Maka. Maka swished her body away from the glass as the boy pointed in her direction and motioned for the group to follow. Even though the king abandoned his daughter she knew he tried to hide her. Did they find her because of the light? Earlier, Maka felt her body going weak and vulnerable with little light, so why did the boy notice?

Maka panicked slightly when the group's enormous pounding of footsteps headed for her. She spun for a second turning into a spec of light her father taught her to do when another person was near. She had also used that trick as a defense mechanism to scare away predators, disguising herself to look like an ordinary lamp. What Maka didn't think of was looking a little strange for a glass bottle to have a single flame illuminating with no primary force.

As the group fell upon her body, Maka watched as they seemed to chat about the bottle, pointing and making hand gestures. Their voices were muffled but she made out a few words: "...bottle..." "...odd..." "...middle of the nowhere..." "...take..." "...who..?" As the clot gave a look of dread, except the boy with white hair who bored into the bottle with no expression, they fidgeted slightly. Maka had no idea what happened, she was never taught about this, she never was even supposed to be here in the first place. The one with blue hair was the first to move by picking up the bottle and turning it over in his hand. His had was huge that pressed against the bottle with force that could break it. He then tossed it up making Maka's light flicker and wave. Maka couldn't handle this, she would revoke back to her normal form if he kept tossing her around. As her bottle came back down, a new pair of hands grasp ed the bottle. The boy with ruby eyes held the bottle with gentle hands and gave the blue monkey a dark look. Maka guessed they disputed about who took it home and the boy with silver hair won because he shoved the bottle in his pocket and started his walk.

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