Should this go on?

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So as you may or may not know and if you don't know I'm sorry I have to break your heart... if you really want to know Jacky left FIR. With past band member fights I feel like I need to add this is all on peaceful terms and to my knowledge nothing happened between them. This is really hard for me to write and like I have my best friends on the phone and I'm crying. But Jacky has been in the band forever... Like greeted Ronnie when he got out of jail. But the scheduled tour dates are still going on and yes I am going to the local Supervillans tour concert. Jackys just not going to be there... I love FIR but i just have this thing with Jacky and I'm sad to see him go but he's pursuing his solo career and that amazing but should this story still go on? I'm sorry this wasn't a happy chapter but my fav guitarist left my fav band and I hope the new guy can fill the shoes of Jacky

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