Chapter Thirteen: Lemon Drop

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I asked my dad if we could talk. I brought him into the living room, he was excited that I was finally talking to him. I haven't said much to either of my parents since they revealed to me that they used to be supernaturals.

"I want to ask you some questions." I say.

"Ask away." He smiles.

"Tell me about the Queen." He looks confused.

"Of England?"

"Of the witches." His eyes widened when he realized who I was really asking about. Queen Alice. My possible mother.

"What do you want to know?"


He sighs. "Well, how about I start with how our covens work?"


"The Queen is at the very top, she has the most power, including the elements. Now covens are mostly broken up by what element they worship, fire, earth, water, air, and the last one is spirit."


"Spirit contains all four elements and more, it's said to be a Pandora's Box sort of power. You just never know."

"And Queen Alice has Spirit?"

He shakes his head at me. "Actually, no. She has only four elements, not Spirit though. No one's ever had Spirit as part of them, at least not documented. Since no one's ever had that power, not even the Goddesses, no one worships it. It is said to have every power of a supernatural, part witch, part werewolf, vampire, demon, and whatever else exists in the world."

"How come there's never been anyone with that power?"

"No one knows." He's honest with me. Would I be a bad daughter if I were to admit that I casted a truth spell on him? I had to make sure. "Now you want to know about Queen Alice?"

I nod. "Yes."

"She's about my age. Her name is Alice Blackwood. She became Queen before she was even married, and about nineteen years ago, her husband King Finnegan Dyer died of a heart attack. Since this was about the time your mother and I lost our abilities, I only know what my mother told me. No one saw Queen Alice for almost a year, and when she was in the public eye once again, she had gotten married to Finnegan's brother, Wesley Dyer." So I was a Blackwood. I most certainly wasn't a Dyer, I'm sure he was a witch.

"Were there any rumors about the Queen?" My father looked uncomfortable. My father hates being uncomfortable, so I knew I was right to cast the truth spell.

"A few months before King Finnegan died, there was a rumor that Queen Alice was cheating on him, some even blame her for his death. I've heard that she cheated on him with an Alpha of a pack in England." He sighs. "But to be honest, those are only rumors. No one is sure, especially since no one has evidence."

I was the evidence. And as the evidence, I'm pretty sure they had wanted to keep me a secret, I was a product of infidelity, and worse, they had made a hybrid which is forbidden.

I was at Wolf Club waiting for Harry. He invited me to go with him, for an hour, my parents think I'm at Sarah's house.

A waitress came by, really pretty, smelled human, (Harry's been helping me distinguish smells), and she put an alcoholic drink in front of me.

"Here you go sweetheart." Southern. What is a southerner doing up here in the Windy City?

I look at her, secretly envy her natural blonde hair, and blue eyes. She's smiling, a little too happy.

"What is this?" I ask. I wasn't really acquainted with alcohols, I've never had a drink in my life. I'm not even of age. Harry did mention to me that Werewolf blood makes it really hard to get drunk.

"Lemon drop, trust me, you'll love it. Plus, it's on the house." She winks at me and walks away before I could ask her why.

I hold the cup in my hand, and I daringly take a sip. It's a sweet drink with just a kick of sour. I couldn't taste the alcohol if there was any, so I sip it all.

I look around and try to find Harry, he said it wouldn't be long just had to deal with a crises concerning beer. I told him I'd sit and wait for him at a booth, and I was starting to get really tired.

Funny that months ago, I had the hardest time falling asleep and staying asleep, now I can pretty much fall asleep standing up.

I felt a pain in my stomach, and my brain was telling me that I was going to be sick. I got up quickly and went out the closest exit. I barely made it when I began to throw up.

"What the hell?" I hate being physically ill, so when it happens, it's really rare.

I felt my body become paralyzed, I couldn't move. It felt heavy for some reason, and I was stuck. I had been drugged, and it wasn't a normal drug, it was magic. I could tell.

I heard the footsteps behind me. "Go to sleep, Millie." I recognized that voice, I had heard it before. But where?

That's when my knees gave out and it went dark.

I couldn't open my eyes, but I could tell I was lying on a bed. My body felt like it was on fire. Was I running a fever? I could feel every nerve in my body, and it was screaming.

"What did you do to her?" My heart was racing, and my blood was pumping with adrenaline. What's happening to me?

I could hear Harry. He sounded mad, I could hear his heartbeat, too. I concentrated on that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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