Chapter Three: Wolf Club

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 Sarah was helping me find something nice to wear, well, something appropriate for clubbing. We were eighteen, with very limited options, but I knew which club I wanted to go to.

Wolf Club.

It was a very exclusive club in Chicago, for eighteen and older. I remember hearing about it first from a nanny, when I was eight. It's always interested me, and when I was searching for a club online, that was the first one that turned up.

"How about this?" I was ready to give up, but Sarah pulled out this gold dress from a bag she brought.

"Whoa. This is gorgeous, where did you find this?" It was a long sleeved gold sequined dress. I loved it.

"It came in the mail today, I ordered it awhile back. I think you should wear it, you would look stunning in this dress." I stripped my clothes and put on this beautiful dress. It came about mid thigh and it didn't feel hot or too tight. It was perfect!

"I have black tights and black booties that will go perfectly with it." I say and I run to my closet to get them.

Sarah was staring at herself in the mirror while I put on my tights. She had very unique light blue eyes, and she was very pretty. We actually bonded over the fact that our eyes have a black ring around their irises, we were in sixth grade when we met.

Her blonde hair is cut short, even though I always tell her long hair would look gorgeous on her. She told me that it's tradition for the women in her family to have short hair, it was a weird tradition if you ask me.

She was wearing a white crop top and a black skirt, she looked like a supermodel. She was tall, skinny, and could pull off a rag if she had to. Sarah was modest most of the time though.

"Are you sure you want to go to the Wolf Club?" She asks as I stand up and look at myself in the mirror.

"I'm sure, why?" Sarah is always one to go for it, she never has second thoughts.

"Just making sure."

"Where's Luke? He was supposed to be here by now." I grab my car keys and a little black purse.

"He's actually meeting us at the club." She says.

"Oh, then we should get going." She stares at me for a second before reluctantly walking. I wonder what was going on with her.

Wolf Club was completely packed, or so it seemed because there was a line wrapping around the building, but that didn't stop Sarah from going to the front of the line.

"What are you doing?" I whisper. People were giving us very dirty looks as we passed them.

"Luke is inside, his brother is an owner of the club, so he put us on the list." Sarah says this like I should know. I only met Luke this past semester when he transferred to our high school. He was a bit odd around me, but he was Sarah's boyfriend or boy toy or something.

A big bouncer stood in front of the door, he had a clipboard, kind of reminded me of movies I've watched. I stood behind Sarah, I would let her do all the talking.

"Name?" He asks.

"Sarah Jennings, and Millie Stevens, should be under Lucas Mactire's plus two." The bouncers eyes went wide as he realized who we were with.

"Go right ahead." Sarah led the way into the club.

As we went in, people were mostly sitting down but there was a big group on the dance floor dancing.

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