Chapter Four: Wolf Hybrid

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The smell of firewood woke me up. My eyes snapped open and I wasn't in the club anymore, I was in a room with a fireplace. I was lying down on a black leather couch, there was a drink in front of me. I was very dehydrated, so I drank it. I was happy to find it was cold water.

"I told you not to bring her here, Lucas!" It was Harry's voice. I froze and listened.

"It wasn't his fault, it was mine." That was Sarah. "I thought that maybe she knew what she was and wasn't telling me."

"We don't even know what she is." Luke says.

"She's obviously a werewolf. Her eyes are a clear sign of that."

"If she was one, how come she doesn't know? By now she would have changed during a full moon." Lucas says.

Werewolf? Change? Full moon? These words were most commonly used in TV shows like Teen Wolf, not my life.

I looked around, there were two doors. One of them must lead outside. I stood up but before I could even take a step, one of the doors opened to reveal Harry, Luke, and Sarah.

"What's going on?" I ask as they came into the room I was in.

Sarah answers me. "You passed out and hit your head."

"I remember Nash's teeth, they were...?" I hadn't imagined that. It happened. I know it did.

Sarah sighed, but didn't say anything. "You're a werewolf, or at least we think so." Luke says.

"Luke!" Sarah yells and hits his arm.

"What? She needs to know. No more tiptoeing around her. Would you rather us be honest with you or lie?" He asks me.

"Tell me the truth."

"You're some kind of hybrid, Millie." Harry says.

"You don't know that." Sarah was fuming.

His green eyes were on me. He completely ignored Sarah and was just focused solely on me.

"Have you been experiencing insomnia?" How could he know? "Don't lie, I think the bags under your eyes are evidence of that."

"Yes. I have." This had to be a joke. This couldn't be real. I must be dreaming.

"Your senses have heightened? You could see, hear, and smell better?" I nod. "If she was a werewolf and didn't know it she would be in a mental hospital. We've all seen what having new senses is like. Hers are more subtle." Harry was telling Luke and Sarah, he wasn't talking to me.

"Her eyes are evidence that she has werewolf blood running through her veins. Like I said, she's a hybrid. With what? That's the real question."

"She's adopted." Sarah says, coming out of a daze. "What if her real family was trying to save her?"

"Save me from what?" I ask.

"Hybrids don't exist, if they do, they're rare." Luke says. "Some would consider you an abomination. Sarah bringing you's already started the rumors of a hybrid. They could smell you the minute you walked in."

"I have a smell? That's why Nash was commenting on it."

"Stop freaking her out, Luke." Sarah pulls me down on the couch and I feel numb. She makes me face her. "Everything is going to be fine, Millie. We'll help you through this."

"I'm not a werewolf." I say, kind of catatonically.

"She's in denial." Luke scoffs.

"Well, look how you're going about it. We could have eased her into this. She didn't grow up in a werewolf family, she has never changed, she thought she was normal two hours ago." Two hours have passed?

"Gordon will want to meet her." I stand and back away from them.

"I'm not meeting anyone. I'm going home." I open the other door, the one they didn't come from, and it takes me back to the club.

No one follows me out. It's a daze, but I make it back to the Jeep. I sit in it for a few minutes, taking deep breaths. This was a bad dream. A really bad dream.

Werewolves don't exist. They're not real. They only exist in shows and movies, and books. Not in real life.

I just want to wake up.

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