Chapter Eleven: Imprinting

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I hadn't seen anyone in days, I kind of refused to leave my room. All the lies, and the attacks, I was sick of it. If I stayed in bed, then nothing could happen to me, at least not without me knowing something is happening.

Sarah came to look after me one afternoon, my parents asked her, I could hear them from downstairs. They whispered as if I couldn't hear them, and my dad did as he promised and got me my grandmothers book of spells. I've been reading that lately, even learned how to open windows, curtains, and drawers by just moving my hand at them.

"Luke said Harry hasn't been home since he dropped you off." Sarah says and I roll over to look at her staring out the window. "I guess I just figured out where he's been." I got up and looked in the direction she was looking.

It was dark outside, but with my werewolf eyes, I could see him at the beginning of the woods. He looked to be sleeping, he was in his werewolf form. Although he was sleeping, he still seemed to be on guard.

Why was he guarding my house? My heart warmed at the thought that he was doing this to protect me and my family. I expressed deep concern about our safety, and he said he would take care of it. I didn't know this is what he meant.

My parents had leftovers from the night before, it was steak, and I knew if I didn't eat it, it'd go straight to the garbage tomorrow.

"I'm going to bring him something to eat." Sarah follows me downstairs. I grab the plate from the fridge, take off the aluminum and put it in the microwave for it to heat up. Sarah was giving me a look when I turned around.

"What?" I ask.

"He imprinted on you." She looked to be in awe.

"What is imprinting?" I ask.

"It's when a werewolf has a deep bond with another werewolf, or human. It's the strongest of bonds, nearly impossible to break. I've never actually seen it happen at it's beginning stages."

"You lost me." I crossed my arms. A bond? Between Harry and I?

"Harry, the moment he saw you, became attached to you. At first, I thought it was a bit obsessive, he hardly even knew you, but this is why he's always ready to help you in learning what you can. You have to admit, you have some feelings towards him that just don't make sense. You guys are falling in love with each other." We hardly know each other, how could it be love?

"I don't think I can handle any more supernatural information for now, Sarah. Let me at least process what I've learned these past few weeks." The microwave beeps, and I take out the plate.

It burns my hand, but I honestly don't care. I grab a fork and knife, and walk outside. Sarah doesn't follow me this time, just hangs back.

Harry's wolf form was sheer black, hard to see in the night. I saw him go into the forest, and as I got to the edge of the woods, he came, fully clothed human, to me.

"I thought you might be in need of a good meal." He takes the plate, he looks serious, a little too serious. "I didn't know you have been staying here these past few days. Thank you."

"Thank you for the food." He says. "It smells delicious." I could hear my heart, it was loud, felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.

"You don't have to sleep out here, Harry."

"Yes, I do." I stared into his green eyes. He cared about me. I could tell. I cared about him, too. Maybe this imprinting thing was real.

"You're welcomed in my room, my parents don't come in there, and as I'm sure you're aware, they're hardly home lately. As for my brother, my parents dropped him off at summer camp yesterday, he won't be back until August. Plus, I have a nice couch in my room that also doubles as a pullout bed." He smiles at me, and I feel a little accomplished.

"I'll go in once Sarah leaves." I don't tell him that she already knows he's out here.

"Okay, see you in a bit."

All The Things Lost (Halloween Story About Witches and Werewolves ft. Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now