Chapter Five: Werewolf Research

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Sarah had been calling me non stop since ten in the morning. Oddly enough, after the night I had, I slept for twelve hours. I woke up at one in the afternoon in my room, even though I have no idea how I got home...

I looked outside and saw the Jeep. I must have just been on autopilot and drove from the Wolf Club back home.

The Wolf Club. It was an actual wolf club, werewolf club to be more specific. I might be a werewolf. Waking up, I knew everything that happened last night was very real.

My phone rang for the millionth time, and I finally picked it up. "What do you want?"

"Just wanted to make sure you were still alive, Millie." She sounded worried.

"Well, I'm alive."

"I feel like I need to explain more."

"You guys did a great job of explaining last night. I don't really care to hear more, I just want to-"

"Want to what? Move on with your life?" I was quiet. "A werewolf that doesn't know how to control themselves is a danger to society. You could lose control, you could kill someone."

"What do you want me to do, Sarah?" I yell. "You guys told me I was something that doesn't even exist, yet I believe you. I know you guys aren't lying to me, but I need some time to process this. I haven't done the change or whatever, so I'm sure it won't happen in the next few days."

"I can help you, just let me help you, Mills." I sighed.

"I don't think you can."

She was quiet for a few moments. "Okay. Just know that the moment you need me, I'll be right there, okay?"

"Okay." She ended the call.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Who am I?

I spent three days looking up everything I could about werewolves. I'm sure the librarian thinks I have an obsession with them, she was giving me weird looks as I came back to the library to keep checking out books.

There's many stories about werewolves, the most common story I could find is about the cursed human. A witch curses a man to become a werewolf, at night, when there is a full moon, and makes sure the transformation is painful. Then the man infects others with bites and scratches.

The only time the man finds some relief is during the day. There are other stories that say a werewolf can control their changes, make it not as painful, they can stop from changing all together.

I get out of the library near closing, and it's dark outside. I look up to see a full moon. I almost laugh as I realize the irony.

I'm a werewolf. A hybrid of some sort. Here I am doing research in a library, when I could just ask Sarah.

I walk to my car. Halfway, I feel an uneasy feeling coming from the forest. I try to see if I see anybody walking by, but I only hear the sound of branches breaking underneath someone's or somethings feet.

I hurry to the Jeep, try to get it open before a murderer tries to get me. I freeze when I hear heavy breathing right behind me. I hold onto my lanyard and I swing it around in hopes of hitting the person behind me before they hurt me.

The person manages to catch my keys before I hit them in the face. I look at their face, and I feel a little relieved. I know this person, sort of.

"Harry, right?" He lets go of my keys.

He was in a black t-shirt and jeans that were...good on him. I take a step back, hitting my back on the Jeep door.

"You almost hit me in the face." He says, he sounds a little amused.

"I thought you were a murderer." He smiles.

"I would have murdered you if that was your only move." I chuckle.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I am going to answer all your questions, and then I have a test for you. I think I know what you are a hybrid with." He looks determined.

"All of my questions, you're not going to dodge one, right?" He nods.

"I swear, I will tell you the truth." He crosses his heart with his fingers, like a little boy.


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