I Give My Love

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I give my heart to you

and I know its not much

but its all I have

ill never be the perfect boyfriend

ill never be a perfect man

but that fact that you choose to be with me is something i will never understand

when I think of you

I think of warm summer nights under the stars

sipping tea and reading a book

laughter and peace

because you are what puts me at ease

you are like the chill pill everyone told me to take

well baby I agree with them

I need you

what even was I without you

a mess of self destruction and hate

with you, all that stops

and I know we are young

and I know we have so much left to do with our lives

but we all have a short existence

and the fact that I get to spend a part of mine, no matter how small it is, with you

is something I will always appreciate

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