January 4th, 2018

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Dear Diary,

There's so many new doctors. I can't remember anyone's names. Maybe it's the same people but I just don't recognise them. My brain's pretty fucked up. I don't remember anything that happened before I woke up two days ago. Everything is so confusing and I'm just so tired. When did things get so bad between Phil and I? I thought everything was okay, why would he do that to me? To our family?

No one is telling me anything. I keep trying to ask questions but they're brushing me off and ignoring me. So I'm forced to sit here in a constant state of confusion, completely unsure of what's real and what's not. I wish I was still imagining everything, and that this is just a horrible nightmare that I'll wake up from and see Phil next to me, and cuddle into him to feel reassured that everything is okay. However, I'm starting to lose hope. It's been two days, and everything feels to real to be a dream.

All I want is Phil, but I know he's the last person who's coming to visit. He doesn't care anymore; he's made that obvious enough.

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