December 8th, 2017

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Dear Diary,

Things just didn't go right for me today. I woke up to find we had no cereal and the milk was out of date, so I went to the shop and on my way back I nearly got hit by THREE different cars. I nearly set the house on fire because I forgot I was cooking dinner and it was only when I smelt burning that I remembered. I don't know what's gotten into me today, I'm just so forgetful and it's like I'm on a completely different planet.

I'm okay now though. Phil and I are going to watch The Walking Dead right from the beginning again. I may or may not have a slight man crush on Merle. (I'm joking). We put Dil to bed slightly earlier tonight, he's definitely been hit hard by the winter flu - bless him. He kinda resembles Rudolph with how red his little nose is. I'm looking forward to just having some time with Phil though. We don't get much time to ourselves anymore, so it's always special when we do.

The voices weren't so bad today. They were probably the worst when I was walking to and from the shop, but I tried to ignore it. They're not nice though. I wish they'd stop.

Signing out,

Dan :)

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