December 23rd, 2017

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Dear Diary,

He's got Dil too.

Honestly, I wasn't expecting for him to have Dil when I opened the door and saw him stood there. For a moment we just stared at eachother, waiting for the other person to say something. And then I saw Dil perched on his left hip with his arm around him. And then all I could do was hug them. I cried, too.

I'm writing this quickly while Phil's packing some things. We're leaving for a while; I don't know where we're going or what we're doing, but what I do know is that if we don't go soon we're going to have some very angry people at our door.

And I know one thing: I will not let anyone take my family away from me. I will fight for them with everything I have because they're the only people I have left in this god forsaken world and nobody is taking that away from me.

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