December 1st, 2017

4.3K 361 117

Dear Diary,

Pinch, punch, first of the month! I guess the Christmas countdown has officially begun.

We're going out tomorrow to get our Christmas tree and then I think we're decorating it on Sunday. I'm so excited! I'm trying not to make a big deal out of it in front of Phil in case he thinks I'm weird, but inside, I'm like a small child again. Let's ignore the fact I also look like one.

In other circumstances, I GAVE DIL MY COLD. The poor kid's been awake for most of the night with a stuffy nose and a cough - it's horrible! Phil was making the excuse to stay in bed by telling me that Dil and I could just transfer germs between each other and keep them away from him. He also couldn't resist saying the word bacteria multiple times in an American accent just to annoy me - what a pain in the arse. So there Phil was, sleeping soundly, whilst Dil and I struggled to breathe in the corner of the room. It's alright for some I guess.


Signing out,

Dan :)


A/N: Three things:

One, thank you for 5k reads! Two, TABINOF AND TATINOF ARE SO SOON WTF?! Three, you should all go and read 'The Black Parade' by @paintlester it's so cute!! Have a good day xo

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