The Perfect Gift

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"Yeah, flowers are a very romantic way of showing you care about someone too." her mother stated.

"Yeah, I suppose they can be" I agreed with her statment while scratching the back of m head nervously.

"Let's just say that I think Olivia will really like those flowers." She said, followed by a wink.

Okay now she was being a little wierd..

"I am so confused.." I stated sheepishly, blushing at my awkwardness. "Why are you telling me this about Olivia?"

"Brie, you ever wonder why that Damon kid never comes around here? Because he isn't invited. Wanna know why he's not invited? Because Olivia DOES NOT like him."

"Okay well what's that got to do with her liking my flowers?"

Of course I was absolutely thrilled to hear about Damon's failure, but I was still lost as hell.

"Oh my god.. Brie, pardon my language but Oliva has fuck-eyes for you."

I nearly dropped the vase in shock of her diction.

"Come again?" I said dumbfounded.

"Brie, Olivia freakin' likes you! Like alot!"


I didn't even know how to respond to this.

Why was this grown woman speaking to me as if she were a teenager? That's wierd..


How do you respond to a mother telling you her daughter has 'fuck-eyes for you?

Wait, what the hell are fuck-eyes?!

"Brie, fuck-eyes are just another term I use for saying that someone is crazy into someone else. Like an extreme desire for their company. You should hear how much she talks about you when you aren't in the room."

'Omg Mom, Brie is so sweet to me, and she is so so pretty and she's such a good athlete and has the greatest smile and is so funny and gives the best back massages.'

"I swear, if those flowers from you don't make her blush, the only other thing that I can think of that will is her seeing you naked."

I had no more words left to say, but I'm sure my furiously blushing cheeks were enough to show her mom not to worry and that I liked Olivia too.

She rolled her eyes laughing.

"Just go put the flowers in her room, and pretend I didn't tell u anything!"

I was too shocked to breathe. Olivia was actually gay! And likes me! This day could not get any freaking better!

I walked into Olivia's room feeling a little nervous with this new information. Would I be able to keep this to myself untill she was ready to tell me?

I then set down the vase, and removed the wrapper from the flowers to place them inside bare.

I turned to grab the poster next and a few tacks, and when I turned around, I noticed a naked Olivia walking through the door searching for something.

Ours eyes both met one another's awkwardly as we both stood there a moment, not knowing how to pull away.

I guess she forgot she was naked because she hadn't made an attempt to cover herself due to her shock.

I couldn't help but admire her bare body..

She seemed as thought she were a soft white and marble statue that one would see in a museum. Her back straightened with shoulders slightly bent forward for comfort. A flattened stomach with gentle abdominals tightened with a little stress. Her long and toned legs complimenting and flowing into her strong hips. Her biceps flexed slightly. Her chest seemed to be chiseled to perfectly rounded points.

She was a goddess..

She realized then that I was staring and her entire delicate body blushed nervously with her face.

"Uh-umm.." She immediately grabbed up the top cover from her bed and struggled to wrap it around herself.

She kept looking back and forth from my shocked face to the blanket, stuttering and trying to remember what she was looking for.

"Umm.. Sorry Brie uhmm.. I was tryig to umm.. find my umm cum. NO! I mean my comb! For my hair uh definetly not my cum ha ha... She awkwardly trailed off as she kept searching frantically, struggling to keep the blanket around her.

I looked behind me, noticing her comb on the same table next to her vase.

I picked it up and walked it towards her.

I smiled blushingly at her as I handed it to her.

She looked at it, grasping it between her fingers and then looking up at me.

She bit her lip softly as she mustered up a thank you while staring at her feet.

"Olivia" I said softly in hopes of seeing those beautiful lively eyes light up lookig into mine, and I was successful.

"Just thought I should tell you happy birthday, and that you're freaking beautiful. Don't let anything stop you from beleiving that.

She looked deep into my eyes, hanging onto every word as I spoke them. Then she bit her lip, this time in a more engaging manner, not pulling from my eyes for a moment.

I could see her demons of desire for love in the colors of her irises. Kindof as though she knew what she wanted from me, but was afraid to ask.

I couldn't restrain myself any longer..

I dug my fingers into her hair, and allowed my lips to pull all of her worries, and her breath from her with a single kiss.

I could feel herself melt into me, as she decided to kiss me back. Our lips danced together as though a young couple would under the stars. It was a breathless experience, and I almost couldn't pull away untill Olivia's mom knocked on the door.

"Yeah mom?" Olivia asked her mom from the other side.

"Olivia, do you like Brie's present she got you? Isn't all just so perfect?"

You could tell she was excited even by her tone through the door.

Olivia turned to look at me, and just blushed as she responded.

"Yeah mom, It's the greatest gift I've ever gotten."

Then I whispered jokingly "Which part, the flowers or the poster?"

She let an overjoyed grin roll across her face as she kissed me on the chek before she responded, "You."

Depressed for Love (Lesbian story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora