Nihilos Draconum: Sacreia's background chapters.(Chap 7)

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Gugumel smiled at the others around him. “As it stands on tradition, we will recount the deeds of villages heroes and heroines. May those that have passed on and or still live today know reverence. For it is their tales that shall be the highlight of every Vardenal, may the tales of old and new resound today!” With another stamp of his staff, a series of high pitched wails filled the air. Several bolts of colorful fire sand shot into the sky and burst into various bright shapes.

“Alright, as per the rules, I shall begin with the heroic deed of our great archer, Aneia Valen. Who-“

“Allow me, I will tell it better.” The woman beside him said, a gloved hand squeezing his shoulder.

Gugumel chuckled nervously and nodded. Aneia cleared her throat and readied to try and sound as enthusiastic as possible. Several centuries ago, a great Roc had brought devastation to Siraset. Parts of the village were destroyed, and many villagers fell prey to the bird’s massive claws and beak. The beast had made its home far to the east, atop Mt Fendral. Aneia, along with many other Hunters had teamed together to fell the creature. Amongst the hunters, one was very familiar to Aneia. Eris, a loud mouthed red head who did more complaining than actual hunting. Good with a spear, but terrible with a bow she was.

Siraset’s Hunters were a group of able bodied individuals who hunted beasts who posed a threat to the village. From Dire creatures, to goblins and their ilk. But none of these creatures in the past had posed as great a threat as the Roc. Each and every Hunter sported the same attire, albeit in different coloration catering to them. A cloaked hood, tunic with a leather breastplate stitched in, fingerless leather gloves, linen breeches, and knee high leather long boots. Aneia, along with many of Siraset’s Hunters gathered at the foot of Mt Fendral, their bows at the ready. Their plan was to await the Roc, once it left its dwelling, a rain of arrows would fall upon it. Countless hours passed them by in silence. A silence that began to wear upon Eris.

“So, when are you going to tell me more of your bow, eh? What’s so special about it?”

“Keep quiet! Do you wish to give away our position?” Aneia warned.

“Oh, come on! It’s a damned bird! Its hearing can’t be that good.” Eris sighed and sat herself down upon the black dirt, her back pressed upon one of the black trees. A slender hand brushed through her red hair, and much to her disdain, she discovered a bird had decided to shit upon her.

“Gods damn it! This will be a bitch to clean later!”

“Shut your accursed mouth, you fool! I need not tell you again!” Aneia whispered.

Eris narrowed her green eyes towards Aneia and sighed heavily. Opening her mouth to speak once more, she immediately silenced herself the moment a loud shriek rung through the air. A great shadow loomed over them, cast by the great black bird overhead.

“Holy hell! The size of that thing!” Eris yelled. Time seemed to stand still for a moment, as Aneia turned to shush Eris. The heavy beating of wings, followed by the great bird’s dive towards them. Trees were knocked aside like twigs, and the massive body of the Roc crashed into them with great force. The world spun around her for a moment, and before she could regain her bearings, the Roc’s golden eyes looked down upon her. A deafening screech escaped its stone shattering beak. If it were any louder, Aneia’s head would burst. It readied to slam its beak into her body, yet was immediately distracted the moment an arrow had impacted the side of its head. It ricocheted and fell to the ground. “Over here! Come on!” Eris yelled some distance away.

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