Carlos & Grandma

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Your visiting your grandma in a small city that nearly no one knows. When you first get outside the car and ring her door you know one thing for sure. This will be the most boring vacation ever. Day one, two, three pass by and it's gets worse and worse. But when your grandma tells you that your going to visit one of her friends a nearly 100 years old woman you think about just acting like you fell down the stairs and get your parents to bring you back home but you know that would be mean so you and your gran visit that old lady. When you arrive at her doorsteps you ring the door. A moment and the door opens. You nearly get a heart attack when you recognized the handsome guy who opened it. "Carlos?" Stupid question but you just want to make sure it's not a dream. "Yeah come on in." You hesitate then pass him and he leads you to the living room. "What's your name pretty girl?" He asks with a polite smile. "(Y/N)." "So (Y/N) wanna go upstairs? Those old lady's want to be on their own I guess." You laugh and nod. When you went upstairs he shows you the small room he lives in for the next two weeks because he has to help his grandma with the house and garden. You sit on his bed and he imitates your move. You start talking and you first leave when it gets really late. Your granny calls you, she wants to go back home. Before he closes the door behind you he whispers. "Please convince your grandma to visit us again as soon as possible and give you a wink.

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