It was like a jungle in here. Kids were getting shoved into lockers and fights were breaking out. I'm pretty sure I even saw someone on fire.

"Hey! What's yo name?!" I turn around to see a guy with a nose ring, loads of tattoos and two missing teeth.

"Uh Sophie." I answer.

"You new?" He asks and I nod.

"Ey everybody!! Check out the new girl!" He yells causing everyone to look at me. They all smile and surround me, calling me things I've never heard of. They all get closer to me and begin touching me literally everywhere.

I couldn't get them to stop. I slapped a couple guys but that just made them do it even more. Soon enough the bell rang which caused everyone to disperse.

There's no way I was gonna go through that again after every class. I skip algebra II and search the halls for the school counselor.

"What can I do for you young lady?" An elderly woman looks at me from her desk that said counseling on it.

"Um yes you can. I want to get out of here!" I throw my books down and sit in the chair next to her desk.

"Yeah, you and everybody else." She giggles.

"You don't understand. I need to leave this school. Put me in another one, I don't care. I'll do anything." I say begging.

"Tell you what, you seem like a sweet and smart girl so how would you be interested in our scholarship program?" She slowly slides me a folder labeled North West Christian College.

"What's this?" I ask, taking the folder and begin to look through it.

"That's the best school in the district. Only the best students get to go there and if they can't go there they come here. It's relatively small but it's a great school."

"Well then I'll just go here!" I say handing her back the folder.

"Umm we'll need to see you past grade first." I pull out my transcripts out of my bag and hand them to her as well as my report card from my freshman and sophomore years.

"Wow. You have some impressive grades dear." She gives me a smile. I've never really had a problem with my grades. I only got good ones because I thought my parents would like me more, turns out they don't care.

"Well I'll call the principal and you'll probably be able to start tomorrow morning." Finally a good step in the right direction...... I think.

I figured there's was no point in staying the rest of the day so I just decided to do what I was going to do after school anyway. My first day at my new job which isn't that far from here so I might as well walk.

"Hello?" I call hoping Andrew would be here.

"Sammy? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?" He walks out of the back room.

"Again, it's Sophie and I should be but I wasn't gonna stay at that hell hole another minute."

"Ah so I'm guessing you went to RiversWood Senior School?" He asks and I look at him, surprised he knew.

"Yeah, but it'll be fine cause I'm getting transferred to North West Christian College." I say walking over to where he was standing.

"Ah, that's where my kids go. It really is a good school. You should meet my kids. My daughter works here on Mondays and Wednesdays so she'll be here after school." He tells me and I begin to worry. It's been a long time since I've really had any friends so I've kinda forgotten how to talk to people around my age. Grown ups usually don't like me because they think I'm an emo teenager and I've never really liked children because I can't deal with the constant screaming and crying even though that's pretty much what my house is like 24/7.

"So what can I do?" I ask following Andrew to the back office since I'm aloud back there now.

"You can start by putting these in alphabetical order." He says handing me a huge box of CDs.

I look in the box and see the American Idiot album by Green Day and that's the one I pick up first.

"You a fan of Green Day?" He asks me and I nod.

"How about Good Charlotte or Blink182? Nirvana? Sum 41? My Chemical Romance?" He asks which brightens up my face.

"They're kinda my whole world."

"Then you and my son would get along just fine. He has posters all over his wall." He says handing me other CDs which I then put in the correct place.

"He sounds cool." I say smiling. It's been a while since I've had a good day but so far, today had been pretty okay.

Broken Home -L.HDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora