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"There we go!" You smiled as you finished dressing Saint in his costume. "Don't you look adorable?"

Ever since you first met Pete, it was a tradition that the two of you would go out in couples themed costumes for Halloween, and having kids wasn't going to change that. Your favorite part of the holiday was finding something for the four of you to wear, and this year was no exception. This time around, you decided on a Mario theme, half because it was one of Fall Out Boy's first Halloween costumes together, and half because it was one of Bronx's favorite video games.

Bronx insisted on being Luigi, since he was his favorite character, and you found the cutest Toad costume online for Saint. Pete decided to be Mario, and you went along as Princess Peach. This was your favorite theme so far.

"Ready to go?" Pete asked, sticking his head into the nursery. "Bronx's getting restless."

"I want to go before all the good candy's gone," he whined.

"Okay Bud, we'll go in a second. Mommy's got to take a picture first."

"Promise we can go after that?"

"Promise," you nodded.

You set up the camera's automatic camera, and raced to join the three boys. Everyone smiled as it made a clicking sounds, and the flash went off. Once you were sure it took, you raced over to check out the photo.

"Perfect," you grinned. You couldn't wait to hang it with the others. "Now let's go get some candy!"

"How's this?" Patrick asked, holding up the smallest outfit you had ever seen. It was a little pumpkin costume, that came with a matching orange hat with a little stem on top.

"He can't go as a pumpkin for his first Halloween," you sighed, readjusting Declan in your arms.

"Why not?" He frowned, setting the costume back down on the rack.

"It's so generic," you sighed. "He has to go as something unique."

"Like what?"

"I'm... I'm not sure yet, but I'll know when I see it."

"Okay," he laughed. "Let's keep looking."

The two of you strolled the baby section of the Halloween store, looking for the best costume. The two of you weren't as worried about yourselves as you were for Declan. You always loved Halloween, and you wanted him to feel the same way.

After a bit of searching, Patrick decided to go look at decorations, but you kept hunting with your son. Finally, you found the perfect costume; a red magnet with rubber duckies glued on to it. It even came with a little red hat with a duck on top.

"Patrick," you squealed, running up and down the isles until you found your husband.

"Huh?" He looked up from the display of fake cobwebs.

"Look at this!" You held up the outfit.

"What is it?"

"He's going to be a chick magnet!"

"Okay, we have to get that," he agreed. "That's the cutest costume I've ever seen."

You stared at yourself in the mirror for the millionth time that night, smoothing down your hair and adjusting your costume. You needed to look perfect for your boyfriend, Andy.

It was Halloween, which also meant it was Frank Iero's birthday. Brendon was having a Halloween/birthday party at his house, so that's how you were spending the holiday. It was your and Andy's first Halloween together, so you wanted to do something just for him, hence the special costume. After what felt like ages of searching, you found exactly what you were looking for.

You were going as a sexy devil. The costume consisted of a skin tight, short red dress that hardly covered anything, a pair of matching knee-high boots, a horn headband and a little pitchfork to carry around.

The doorbell rang suddenly, almost giving you a heart-attack. After calling that you'd be there in a minute, you checked your outfit one more time before going to answer the door. Andy was standing on the porch, wearing a pair of jeans and a black shirt that read 'costume'. When he saw you, his jaw dropped open, causing you to giggle.

"Do I look okay?" You asked, feeling nervous because of his reaction.

"Y-yeah, of course," he stuttered. "Just... wow."

"Thanks," to blushed. "Ready to go?"

"Nope. If you're dressed like that, I need to keep you home."

"Do I have to?" Joe sighed from the bedroom.

"Yes. You're doing it for Ruby," you reminded him.

"I know, I just look so... stupid."

"So do I! Just come out, we need to go before her bedtime."

"Fine, but you know the guys are never going to let me hear the end of this."

"Whatever. You're a man, you can take it."

He sighed, but finally stepped out of your room, wearing his costume. The three of you were going as characters from Ruby's favorite movie and her latest obsession; Frozen. She was dressed as Elsa in a light blue dress, a blonde braided wig on her head, and a little ice-wand in her hand. You were going as Ana. Your hair was braided into two pigtail, and you used hair-chalk to give yourself a white streak. Your dress looked like it was taken right from the movie.

Joe's costume took a lot of convincing. He was finishing off the trio as Kristoff, and was not happy about it. You had to order the outfit online since you couldn't find it in stores, and it wasn't cheap, but Ruby was thrilled about it.

Ding Dong

The doorbell rang, causing Elsa - you meant Ruby to squeal that her uncles were here. You let her open the door to reveal the guys and their kids. She put some candy in Bronx, Saint, and Declan's Halloween bags, unaware of Patrick, Andy, and Pete laughing behind them.

"How much did (Y/N) pay you to dress like that?" Pete snorted.

"I think he looks adorable," you chimed it. "Very sexy."

"That's all I needed to hear," he immediately grinned.

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